Chapter 2: Let's See Who Laughs Last.

***The bus arrived at the school's large gates and stopped. Students alighted from the vehicle and headed into the school premises. Times High School, ranked 38 out of 50 best schools in NYC. The school was large and bustling with students. Jacob walked in after he took a deep breath. He hated mingling with people. Even his class mates distanced themselves from him. He was very good looking and smart. But they all saw him as a loner. A certified loner at that. Ofcourse, Jacob loved it very much. In his perspective, his mates didn't contribute anything to his life, so, he felt very comfortable alone. Jacob arrived onto the school's hall-way and headed for the locker room. Jacob unlocked his locker with his thumb print and placed his basket ball inside. After which, he closed the locker and headed for class. On his way, he could clearly hear the murmurings of students that gossiped about him. He totally ignored their pathetic gazes and left their premises, heading straight for class.

***Classes began in full swing after few minutes passed. Right now, the male teacher in front of the class was dealing on a topic in BIOLOGY. Jacob listened to the teachings of the man but never really faced the man himself. Infact, he had never really faced any teacher before in class. His seat was located at the rear. He sat beside a window, there he had a great view of the school and the city. So, he always looked outside the window. Majority of the teachers had complained about him not focusing in class, but he still kept on doing his stuff. The male biology teacher's attention drifted towards Jacob's position in class countless times, until he got fed up.

Mr. Douglas:"Jacob, on your feet!" Jacob was surprised to hear his name. He turned his head around and noticed his mates fix their gazes on his figure. Jacob casually stood up and faced the class but he wasn't exactly looking at his mates or the teacher."Could you please tell the class what seems to interest you so much while looking outside?"

Jacob:"There's nothing to say actually sir."

Mr. Douglas:"Ohh! Is that so? And is there a reason why you can't face me to talk?" Jacob abruptly fixed his gaze on his teacher. Their eyes met, but Jacob's face portrayed no emotions. His face was indifferent. He didn't give off a life threatening gaze. But once you fix eye paths with those bottomless black eyes of his. One's soul could be overwhelmed with terror. The teacher shook his head to get out of the drift that just occurred."I see. In that case, I'll be needing you to explain to the class what I've been saying exactly in regards to the topic I've been talking about. Failure to do so shall result to--"

Jacob:"A severe punishment. Detention. I'll go for that. Make it three weeks. I'm up for it." The sounds of withheld breaths arose from the class. Was this guy okay?He had the guts to cut off a teachers sentence. They each had confused expressions on their faces. But surprisingly, Mr. Douglas was calm.

Mr. Douglas:"Failure to do so will result to you doing it whether you like it or not." The man smiled. He was set to disgrace this young brat in the midst of his classmates. And there was nothing he could do about it. Jacob let out a deep sigh. He had already fallen into the teacher's trap and It was time for him to climb back up."We'll are waiting for you. (Son of a bitch! Let's see who laughs last.)" Everyone of his mates wanted to see Jacob's failure. There was no way anyone in their sane minds could remember what Mr. Douglas had been explaining for them all along. If you could, then you weren't normal. Reason was that...he was a very boring teacher.

Jacob:"Where would you like me to start from?"

Mr. Douglas:"Ohh! So you want to give it a try? The very beginning ofcourse. Where else?" Jacob exhaled once again.

Jacob:"Based on what you said; For today's topic, we shall be discussing about a very vital topic called transport systems and mechanisms. In an external environment, animals need to take in food and oxygen from it.Plants needs to take in necessary raw materials to carry out photosynthesis, as well as mineral nutrient and oxygen from the external environment. Both animals and plants have to get rid of waste products from their bodies. A simple unicellular organism like the amoeba, carries out these materials, and exchanges them through its external body surface by diffusion. The amoeba however, can only do this up to a certain body size...." And he went on and on, non-stop.

Mins later.

***The whole class was dumbfounded. Mr. Douglas was extremely shocked. Everyone had confused looks on their faces. Was this guy really human? That was all they could think of. Jacob dished off his words on a clean plate and served the right dish. Mr. Douglas found It hard to speak. He thought he had this kid in his trap, but instead, this same kid walked out of it with ease. But it was still this same kid that scored average in every test and exam. (In terms of 100 in an exam or test, he ends up scoring 50 on purpose). He was neither higher nor lower than average. So many teachers took him to be a kid who wasn't that smart. An average student. Just the way he wanted it. He hated seeking attention. Everyone had already presumed that Jacob was a freak. But today...he shocked them. And they had nothing to say.

Jacob:"If you don't sir, I'll gladly take my sit and focus on what I was doing earlier, if you don't mind.(Hehe! Who laughed last fucker!)"


The bell that signalled period end rang out loud. Mr. Douglas got a hold of himself and left the class without saying a word. Jacob layed his head on the desk and relaxed. It was a free period, so it was best he utilised it. He knew the situation of his class now. He knew eyes were bluntly fixed on him. All he could do was ignore them, like he always did everytime.



Author's Note: Hello dear readers. Pls, do remember to comment and inform me on my errors. I really do appreciate your efforts to be made. Thanks so much.✌