Chapter 5: Let's Be Friends, And I'll Tell You How I Know.

***Jacob grabbed his laptop and unlocked it, before connecting to the house wifi. Apparently he liked drawing. One of his natural hobbies. Currently, he was working on a 4d virtual comic. His works were clean and well saturated. And he sold some of his works to earn cash. No one knew the name of this comic creator, but he left his logo on every comic he created. Jacob scanned through his works before obtaining a perfect fit and comprised it with his current work.

Jacob:"Perfect." He smiled. At a point, Jacob paused his work and went out to the balcony. He scanned, supposedly looking for something, or someone. Now he knew people were watching him, but where? Everywhere just seemed normal. "(This guys are really experts in this kind of job. I guess things will change from now on.)" He yawned and headed back inside. Without a thought, he collapsed on the bed and stared at the ceiling. •Let's be friends, and I'll tell you how I know.• Those words were something he couldn't forget. Friendship...he once endulged in one, that was way back in elementary school. But things didn't turn out bright for him. That one friend he had died along with his father. Jacob scoffed with a smile. That was way back. It felt as if he was naturally cursed. His first friend died, his father, who was also his friend died. Naturally, one could say it was as coincidence...but as for Jacob. The natural and the supernatural were too far apart, not after what he saw. Jacob deeply exhaled. "(Having a friend now....I really don't just know. Morover, if I don't, I won't get to know how she knew about my hidden ability. Damn! This is tight.)" He stroked his chin."(Morover, does this mean there are more like me? I mean,  it's a big world. And is there possibly a chance that they're either bad nor neutral? She should be one of them. Ahhh! I've stressed on this for too long.)" Jacob ruffled his hair. To him. He never accepted anyone to be good. There's always the opposite side in everyone. So, he accepted if people were truly bad or were neutral. His point of view was naturally different from others."(Might as well play games.)"

Later Around Evening.


Jacob set his laptop on the desk and took out his phone from his pocket.

Jacob:"(Unknown number....)^Yeah, who am I speaking with?^"

???:"^Its Tasha. Surprise.^" Jacob blinked.

Jacob:"^And how did you get my contact?^" He replied with a solid tone.

???:"^I have my sources. Let's meet up. I'm directly below your view if you look outside. Don't keep me waiting.^" The call ended. Jacob was dumbfounded.

Jacob:"What the--, is this really the way women are?" He looked outside the window and shook his head. It was her alright. Wearing  tight fitting jeans, a pink crop top, a black leather jacket and a pair of pink Nike jordans stood Tasha. Her long blonde was tied beautifully in a pony-tail. Her clear crystal green eyes glimmered. She was beautiful. Naturally, other young  guys who dared to take a look would surely admire her. But on the contrary, Jacob was like...."(Such a pain.)" Jacob had no choice. He had to go, on the other hand, he can use this opportunity to gain the information he needed. It was a win-win situation.

***Jacob put on a white T-shirt, black cargo pants, and a black jacket with black jordans. His black features coupled with this made him precedented. There was a case study that said....wearing black clothes made you appear more mature. He put on his watch and left his room holding his phone.

ALEXA:'Hmmmm! Seems you're going out on a date. I'm surprised though. Shes top-notch.'

Jacob:"Seriously...I can't believe you're saying this."

ALEXA:'You can't blame me. I naturally commented. By the way, you look good.'

Jacob:"What ever. Watch the house. I'll be back soon."

ALEXA:'Have a nice outing.'

***Jacob left the house and walked out of his compound. He took one look at Tasha and looked to the sky. She wasn't that bad. She had an above average height in total, she reached Jacob at his shoulder region.

Jacob:"(I pray this f**king thing turns out good.)"

Tasha:"Glad you didn't keep me waiting. Gentleman style."

Jacob:"Can we get this over with?"

Tasha:"Hold on's a step by step matter. By the look good."


Tasha:"Can't you acknowledge me too?"

Jacob:"So, where's our heading?" He completely ignored the question she just asked.

Tasha:"(This...will be tough.) A cafe."

Jacob:"So, where's the place. I wanna book a zipper car."

Tasha:"(Hmmm! He's a gentleman.) Ohh! No need to. It isn't far from here."

Jacob:"Okay." He kept his phone in his pocket.

Tasha:"I see your nose has healed." Jacob shrugged."Well, I'll be using this opportunity by getting to know you, and I really do hope you follow."

Jacob:"In certain words, me being  friends with you in exchange of information."

Tasha:"Or you can put it that way. Also...don't lie to me."

Jacob:"This is a mutual deal between us. I'm not that kind of person."

Tasha:"Alright then. Let's get to know each other first. I'm Tasha Lopez."

Jacob:"I'm Jacob Oyster." Tasha turned to face him.

Tasha:"Oyster." She giggled.

Jacob:"Weird surname. I get it."

Tasha:"Its funny, not weird."


Tasha:"Jacob, ease off a bit. I'm a friend, not an enemy.I get it, you're cold. Just chill out."

Jacob:"This is my personality. Nothing can change me."

Tasha:"Oh really?! Okay then." Tasha outstreched her right arm to him."'re gonna have to shake this hand. You don't just ignore/ reject a girl's hand. Just like you did to mine. Its doesn't make you a gentle man."

Jacob:"I don't shake hands."

Tasha:"Well, that doesn't apply to me." Jacob looked at her, as if looking at a blank page.

Jacob:"I still woldn't shake yours."

Tasha:"For real! Don't leave my hand hanging."

Jacob:"Still wouldn't. You said the cafe isn't far right? Where's it?" He immediately changed the  topic, unwilling to continue with the former discussion.

Tasha:"Just a few blocks. For the record, you're the only person who's snubbed my handshake three(3) good times."

Jacob:"For the record, you're the only person to call me out of my house."

Tasha:"So that makes me special?" She giggled. Jacob shrugged.

Jacob:"Knock yourself out."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi guys, I made an error on Tasha's colour of eyes. Well, that has been changed. Remember, if any more errors surface, do endeavour to inform me by commenting. I really do appreciate your efforts. Thank you all. ✌