Chapter 8: Playing COD (CALL OF DUTY) 1.

***A chinook slowly descended on the helipad platform. Jacob called up the systems interface to display his status window.

System:' Name: Burke (No surname).'

Class: Upper ranked major.

Skills:      ???

Level: 19 (A level to obtain before being uplifted to a new rank).

Items equipped:A helmet, A bullet proof vest (The Death Machine [TAN]), AN M249 <MG+100>, GLOCK-19 a QBZ-95 and THE BLACK BLADE (A dagger.) The death machine has a durability of 800, and the proficiency rate of levelling a skill by 1%. The M249 has a 100% armour penetrative capability, and an ammo of 100 rounds, same goes to the QBZ-95; having 35 rounds. [God, I so much love weapons.]


Strength: Lv 45

Speed: Lv 45

Agility: Lv 45

Stamina: Lv 45

Endurance: Lv 25

Health: 100%

Points to distribute: 40.

***Jacob swiped his fingers, and the holographic screen went off.  The others here were quite strong too, atleast their stats were up to Lv 35.

PS:The system also has a storage room for storing items. Right now, the items weren't on Burke, except the dagger, the bullet proof vest and the Glock. The players each carried their parachutes with them.  The mission will commenced once they reach the drop zone.

***The chinook finally descended sending out large amounts of dust and sand particles. Luckily, their masks were equipped together with their googles. The chinook attendants came outside the chopper after the ramp was deployed. Burke and the soldiers went in and took their seats.

Drift:"Nice equipments." Drift commented on the nice equipment he saw on Burke. Seeing the legendary items on Jacob was truly amazing, the Glock, the vest and the daggers. Jacob's two assault weapons were still kept in its storage space.

Burke:"Thanks." He replied with a slight nod.

Dirk:"I drafted a plan for this mission. Let's go about it." Everyone nodded. The sound the chinook made when taking off made it impossible for the soldiers to hear what they were saying, so they communicated through comms."You see, since it's a large forest, and it's majorly controlled by our enemies, there's sure to be traps, and you all know that it's going to be a competition out there. The last man standing or in this case, the last party standing. Let's make sure to win. Thats all i have to say." Everyone nodded. Burke raised his hand."Do you have something to add?"

Burke:"Based on the system's virtual interface of the forest (district 18), a heliport could clearly be seen. My say on this actually is for is to head there first. There's sure to be enemies stationed around there, and lots of loots. Also, players would be attracted at that place, why because, they have this sort of idea which deals with the snatching of an aircraft. But what they don't know is that, the Base itself is truly fortified. Around the Base are anti-tank homing missiles, capable of bringing down a jumbo jet once it's in its range of view. So, if any of you was having an idea on snatching up a chopper, it isn't gonna work."Dirk nodded.

Dirk:"He's right. Also, I suggest we don't split up. We have better chances of completing the mission together."

Hades 127:"Yeah, nice suggestion. I believe I speak everyone's mind when i suggest that Burke here should be assigned the leader of the operation."

Jake:"Yeah, he seems to have experience more than us."

Hades127:"So, all in favour, raise your hand." Everyone had a mutual agreement."That's it then. Burke, take us into battle."

Burke:"Gladly." Burke smiled and relaxed his head backwards. The ramp finally closed up and the soldiers were able to hear themselves  with a little bit of shouting.

The Reaper:"Ermm! Can anyone run an instant intel on Dafi Huissen?"

Burke:"He's a terrorist, worked as a torturer in the US ARMY, until he was discovered as a spy and escaped to district 18. So many treads of bombings, hijacks and murders were connected to this guy. He's really a sick ass hole. The recent thing now is that, we have to capture him, or else, he escapes. Beneath that Base is an escape pod. If he gets into that thing and burrows his way deeper, he'll escape and we won't be able to capture him. Which is why we jave a time limit."

The Reaper:"How did you get this information?"

Burke:"Did you ever think of scrolling down the system's interface?"

The Reaper:"Ohhh!" The Reaper tilted his head averting their gazes.

James 327:"We have forty-five(45) until the chinook reaches district 18. Get ready."

Burke:"Once we drop, don't wait for anyone. District 18 is a red zone. Just run, anyone met on the way to the heliport must be annihilated. No pity. And remember, once we approach the Base, let's make sure we're not seen. Alright?" His comrades nodded in affirmation.

>>>:"Affirmative." The chinook received a slight turbulence, soaring at a height of twemty-five thousand (25000) feet, this large chopper was equipped with missiles and machine guns were stationed in the rightful places. Ofcourse, the chopper is meant to descend and its passengers were meant to alight from it, but....district 18 was a red zone. The chinook descending on its own in the first place was suicide. It would be taken out of the sky immediately with missiles and hails of bullets. Speaking about missiles.


***The chinook lost control as a missile made contact with one of the engines. The rear was set up in flames and the chinook spun, plumeting downwards at an insane speed. The soldier's were forcely thrown around and to hold on to something. If the chinook crashed, they were all going to die. Their only chance now was to jump out. The pilot tried gaining control, placing the chinook horizontally in the air.  But it still rapidly fell and spinning at the same time. Red flashes of light blinked constantly. time This was a current life or death situation. Dirk managed to get up and gripped a rope tightly as if his life depended in it. and in an instant, he forcibly punched a green button, automatically deploying the ramp. The fierce force of the wind whoosed in, sending three soldiers flying backwards, thanks to their helmets,  it was a true life-saver. But two soldiers were already in stun-mode[A point where the player is unable to perform anything, for a total of fifteen seconds.]  Dirk performed a wave with his hands, signalling the others to get ready to jump. The view of the forest was closer than the way it was earlier. Dirk wasted no time and jumped out, James 327 wasted no time and jumped out. They both deployed their parachutes and were safely on their way to the forest's floor. Burke took his chance and jumped out, same with Drift and Hades 127. Jake and The Reaper were still stuck in stun mode, so followed the chinook as they both plummeted down with it, to their deaths. Burke deployed his parachute and headed safely down to the forest's floor, same with Hades127. But drift was unfortunate. He deployed his parachute late, and he didn't control it very well. He crashed into a set of large trees, and a study tree branch impaled him in the chest. The survivors saw this sudden death. This really wasn't what they were expecting. They've lost three men already.  Jacob took one last look at the chinook before it finally crashed.