Chapter 3: An Act of Kindness

"Young Prince, may I ask why you're here?"

"Ah!" The little boy gasped at my presence. "Does it hurt?"

His question surprised me that I stood speechless for a minute.

"Does it hurt?" He asked with sincere concern and stretched out his hand holding an ointment for wounds. The little boy's kind gesture made my heart melt. My chest hurt and my throat felt dry. I wanted to cry at his kindness- "I'm quite alright, thank you for asking." I took the ointment despite knowing that it won't be effective. My wounds have already healed and are scarred. This ointment came a bit too late.

The boy examined my expression for a couple of seconds and walked up to the garden table. He picked up the bunch of sunflowers and ran back to me. "Here! These are for you!"

I accepted his gift but my heart didn't feel warm anymore. That tiny burst of emotion I experienced had already disappeared. As the days go by and the day I leave his mansion gets closer, I can feel my emotions leaving me bit by bit. First it was my tears and now-

"You don't seem happy." The little boy asked with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

I was right.

The young prince found his older sister heartbroken and wanted to cheer her up. Hence everyday, he would pick a bunch of cheerful looking flowers and leave them for the princess on the path of her routine walk. He thought the princess would feel better from his gifts. After he saw his older brother hit his sister, he started leaving ointments and snacks so that she would recover soon. The Young Prince made sure to not be seen, as he knew the princess was uncomfortable around the other family members. Suddenly caught by the princess, he decided to give the gifts in person.

He looked forward to seeing the princess smile, but instead he felt his heart shatter into pieces.

The lovely princess and her dark brown hair with the light curls fluttering in the breeze, her small and beautiful face with defined features especially her shimmering gem-like emerald green eyes- That's the princess whom he looked forward to. The one standing in front of him looked like her hair wanted to strangle her. Her skin looked pale almost as if she was walking on death's door. Her complexion looked paler in the shadows of her dark hair. And those gem-like eyes of hers were hollow, tired and dead.

There was no life in her eyes, like she had given up on everything.

"Sister-" The young prince spoke with care.

"Young Prince, I believe it is time for your sword practice. Thank you very much for the lovely gifts. I'll be on my way now."

The little boy stood in his spot until the princess left the garden.

"Young Prince! Young Prince… Why are you in the Second Princess's garden? Hmmm- Your highness! What is the matter-"

-Hic- -Hic-

Tears streamed down the little boy's face.

His heart hurt yet he didn't know why.

His eyes cried yet he didn't know why.

For the first time, the little boy understood what sadness meant.


For the next few days, the ointment was once again replaced with snacks, and the flowers looked more beautiful every single day. Is it because I'm about to leave that now everything looks a little bit better than usual. I took my routine walk at different times every single day and yet I never caught the prince on my path. He became a master at hiding.

Two days before my departure, the young prince waited for me at the garden table. He sat on one of the chairs and looked around at the garden in awe. It made me wonder how simple and mature the youngest child of the family was, compared to a certain older sibling. (Spoilt older sister)

"How come you're not hiding anymore?" It was easier to just ask the question upfront.

"Because I want to talk with you!" he replied excitedly.

"Talk with me? What kind of talk?" The Young Prince is interested in my thoughts, that was definitely unexpected.

"Hmmmmm, can you tell me one?" He asked with sparkly eyes.

"What exactly do you mean?"

"A story!"

Due to the strict customs and rules of the royal family, the direct children were not allowed to indulge in any kind of entertainment other than reading finance, philosophy or political books. Reading stories, although not forbidden, was considered taboo despite them being in the royal library.

"You wish to hear a story?" to confirm his request. "Yes please!"

And so for the following 2 days, I spent my time reading, preparing, walking and also telling the Young Prince different kinds of stories. I had never enjoyed my time more than I did those 2 days.

But of course, they were only fleeting moments.


The day had finally arrived.

My luggage had been sent to the residence in advance.

I walked out to the carriage and turned around to face the place that raised me.

The rundown mansion that kept a roof over my head. The overgrown garden with its little charms. The peace and tranquillity of my life, where I spent days reading the time away. I looked at it all one last time.

No brothers, no sisters, no parents- no one here to say farewell. I stepped on the carriage and slowly the familiar scenery disappeared from my sight. Right before the carriage left the gates, I spotted a little boy standing in the grass. Although he was too far to see clearly, his golden hair shimmered brighter than the sun in the sky.

I wasn't sad, nor was I happy to see him. I felt nothing, but with the thought of all the sweet gifts he had given me, I wanted to leave him with something as well.

I pulled over the curtains and looked directly at him,

"Thank You." though he would never hear it from this far.

The boy stayed in his spot, until the shadow of clouds hid the radiance of his hair.

Maybe it wasn't coincidental but I will remember that moment forever. It felt like the farewell I needed, that I would never have to see that golden hair ever again.

From a distance, the little boy spoke in his heart:

"Duke Vincent! Please make my sister happy! Please! Anyone out there in this world, please make my sister happy! So the next time I see her, she can smile from her heart!"

The Little Boy would have never known what kind of a person his beloved sister was just sent to.