Chapter 10: An Unanswered Wish

"Is there something going on at the mansion?"

Lucy looked a little bit uncomfortable at my question.

"My Lady, as per the Duke's order, I'm not really allowed to disclose any information to you, but I think you deserve to know." She was surprisingly bold.

As Lucy explained, the rumours about the war were apparently true and what I definitely did not expect was the King's response to it.

"Apparently, the King has agreed to go to war with Celesten."

"That can't be! There's no way that's true! The King would never do such a thing, especially one that would put his people in danger!"

Lucy looked distraught at my panic, "I'm sorry My Lady, but a second letter arrived from the King stating that Hestia was going to war."

Hestia is indeed a large kingdom and it also has the biggest military forces. Winning a war against Celesten is more possible than losing. However, you cannot guarantee people's lives in war. The King promised the Kingdom of Hestia peace. This is just completely contradictory to his words!

"My Lady!" Lucy suddenly took something out from behind her.

"This is!" This girl really is an angel.

She showed a book in her hands, a romance novel at that. When I was living as the Second Princess of Hestia, reading and writing novels was my only salvation. Locked up in this wretched place, this is the only medicine I really need.

"How did you get this?" I doubt the Duke would keep romance novels in his library. I hope she didn't buy it.

"Ah, one of the other maids has finished reading it, so I asked her if I could borrow it! Except it was really for you." She winked slyly.

"Lucy…" I think for the first time after arriving at this terrifying place, for the first time- my heart ached with joy. "One day, I will get out of this place. I want you to come with me. We can restart our lives in a better and happier place! That's why, Lucy, please don't be this careless. I can't imagine my days without you!!"

"Shhhh, I'll be fine! Don't worry My lady!" She came closer to me and grabbed my hands. Her grip was gentle yet strong. She looked desperate for something. Her expression slowly grew sad. The corners of her smile started trembling. A single droplet fell from her hidden eyes.

"Lucy?" Her eyes were overflowing with tears.

Lucy's grip on my hands became all the more tighter.

"My lady… can I ask for one favour… I…" She looked up at me and slowly moved her eyes to the bandages around my neck.

"I can't…" Her voice disappeared. She wiped her face and stood up straight.

"Nevermind My lady, it's nothing. The sudden workload just got me a bit down. I'll be off now!"

She ran up to the door and pulled it open. Before leaving, she glanced back at me.


I never heard what she mumbled.


And just like that,

Lucy never returned to my room ever again.


The following morning, dark clouds filled the sky. There was no sign of rain or thunder, there was no wind blowing either. Just black clouds covering the sky making the usual sunny daytime look gloomy and dead.

Mervin came to my room early in the morning. I didn't know how to face him after finding out about how he helped me, so I continued lying on my side.

He didn't say anything and instead just left a letter on the table.

The letter didn't have any kind of a deal so it can't be my family. There was no stamp, only my name written in beautiful handwriting and a flower dried onto the envelope.

Seeing that format of the letter instantly reminded me of the Duke's proposal acceptance letter, and bad memories followed after.

I was no longer in the mood to read letters so I turned a blind eye to it and by evening, the letter was gone.


The following day was the same.

Lucy had not visited me once. I wanted to return the novel to her. It was a beautiful read. The main couple's story was magical but the second female lead almost made me cry.

Maybe she'll be back tomorrow.


These past few days, the weather has remained the same. Gloomy and lifeless. And Lucy never visited me.

Knock. Knock.

My eyes lit up with hope! Every time someone knocks on the door, I hope it's Lucy. She's my one and only friend, and I really miss her.

"Your Highness, It's Mervin."

Not today either.

"Come in." I responded in a heartbroken tone.

Mervin walked into the room and placed another letter on my table. It was the same format, beautiful handwriting and a dried flower.

"Your Highness, these letters have been arriving at the Duke's house for the past few, but there is no mention of the sender." He hesitated and continued,

"The Duke has inspected the letters but the messages were too vague to understand."

I figured as much, I was wondering how the Duke was reacting to these letters. Considering what kind of an obsessive freak he is, there was no way he was peacefully allowing these letters to be sent to me.

This place is a prison, and I keep forgetting that.

"Leave it there Mervin, I will read it later." I myself am not too sure about the sender of those letters, but I feel a little hopeful for some reason.

Mervin left the letter on the table and stepped back.

"I will now leave Your Highness, if there is anything you need, please let me know."

"Get me out of here… Can I not ask for that?"

I'm so tired.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness." He genuinely looked dejected but who am I to care. I don't care about anything anymore.

I just want silence.


Click. Lately everyone who visits closes the door very quietly and I don't know why but it makes my heart ache even more.

I want silence, but then again I don't.

I want to get out, but where would I go?

No one wants me, so why do I still hope?

It's painful and I want it to stop.

I grabbed the letter that was beside me and opened it.

Maybe… maybe, I can still hope.

The letter had one small message:

"I hope you're happy. I will always be wishing for your happiness, so please stay happy."

I'm sorry to whoever you are, but… I can't answer your wish.

And I don't think it can come true either.

I clenched the paper with the lovely message in my hand and in the midst of my aching heart, I drifted off to sleep.

"I hope your wish comes true."