Chapter Nine

Blair's POV

The bell went for recess and I walked towards the library. It's like my second sanctuary. The first is my head. I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going and I suddenly crashed into a wall.


The wall wraps its arms around me. And I didn't fall.

Just in case you think that's a good thing, it wasn't. Because I was squashed between a wall and its strong arms. It hurt. But, at least, I didn't fall. What a really nice wall. We should have more walls like this in the world

Blair you moron!!! Walls don't have hands

'Oh really?! Then how come this one does?!'

It isn't a wall, you idiot, it's a person!!!

'Then why is the person so hard?'

You pervert! You didn't just say that!

'Whoa, whoa, whoa!!! I didn't mean it that way'

Just look at your wall, you half-brained idiot

Sometimes, I wonder how I ended up with this inner voice

Looking up, expecting to see a wall with arms, I was shocked to my marrow when I saw Maison. I have nothing against him and I barely know him. But I was still shocked. I used to have a crush on him when we were neighbors about two years back, but we never received really talked. So I just got over it.

"You okay?" He asked. And I realized that I must have been staring too much.

" mean..." I was a stuttering mess!!! God, why me??!!

"Deep breaths," he whispered with a smile on his face. I obeyed and calmed down.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks," I smiled at him remembering how I love seeing his smile. I wanted to stay and talk, but I didn't want those feelings coming back. Especially when I already have feelings for Henry. As much as I hate to admit it, I do like him. Like, I like him.

I start walking away, but he stops me.

" Are you going to the library?'

" Yeah,"

"Can I follow you? We really need to talk,"

"I'm sorry, but I..." He cut me off with a photo that sent my head spinning in different directions at the same time!!!

"We need to talk," he said again.

" Yeah, yeah we do," I replied and we made our way to the library.

I saw Henry at the door. Maybe he was waiting for someone. Maybe it's another bimbo to make out with. Honestly, I don't know why I care, but I do. Edward came up from behind him and muttered something into his ears and he said something back. His entire countenance changed.

I decided to just walk past him.

I gripped Maison's phone harder and focused on anything other than Henry's face. Just as I was about to get through the door, Henry dragged me back by my wrist and Maison halted.

"Let me go," I practically growled. Henry looked slightly taken aback, and I didn't even care.

"We need to talk," he said like he didn't hear what I first said.

"Then you better start talking,"

"What the fvck are you doing with Maison!? He's dangerous. He's bad news,"

"I bet he is. Now let me go," he didn't let me go. Instead, his grip got firmer, but not hard enough to hurt me. He yanked me closer to him and tilted my face to look at him.

"You can't be around him, Blair. It's a long story,"

"Then cut it short," bitterness was evident in my voice, and I was affected by our proximity.

"He's not a good person,"

"Neither are you," I yanked my hand out of his grip and dragged Maison into the library, slamming the door behind us as we walked through the library.

"Start talking,"

"You shouldn't transfer your aggression out on others you know," his voice is still as calm as I remembered.

"Yeah... I'm...I'm just pissed,"

"I know," his voice was becoming very soothing. I look around and realized that we have somehow ended up in a bathroom. The guys' bathroom.

"We should get back," I was feeling weak, and I couldn't think straight. Then it suddenly dawns on me. I have been drugged! AGAIN!!!

"How are you not affected?" My voice came out as a whisper now.

"I have the antidote," he said and opened his mouth slightly. I noticed a sweet-like thing on his tongue. He takes something out of his jacket and pours it inside one of the sinks, flushing it down.

"Some sorta fragrance?"

"Yeah," he leans over to me and wrapped his hands around me.

"Please..." I begged weakly

"You know you want this baby," tears slipped down my eyes as flashbacks displayed before me.

"Mai..." My sentence was interrupted midway...

A bang on the door sounded and Maison froze on the spot. He dropped me to the ground and started towards the door. I hadn't realized he locked us in until now. I feel really sick. Everything suddenly fades away and I'm enclosed in a field of pitch blackness.

Henry's POV

She grabbed Maison by the wrist and dragged him inside the library.

I was furious at everything.

How she isn't giving me a chance to explain things to her

How Maison is up to no good right now.

I wanted to break stuff but now's not the time.

I storm into the library, prepared to flip the table just to get them away from each other. I didn't see either of them, but I saw Arian and Patrick. So I just walked over to them.

"I don't know what happened between you two, but I want to know what Maison and Blair are doing together!" Arian shirked as soon as I got close enough to their table.

"Where the fuck are they?!" I demanded.

"And why would I tell you?"

"If you don't, then Blair getting hurt is completely in you," I said coldly.

"The bathroom. What's going on?" Patrick replied as he stood up, Arian following from behind.

"I'm not sure myself. But I know it's not good,"

We hurried towards the bathroom at the end of the library. Getting there we checked the female's bathroom and started slamming the doors of every stall open, not minding the akward situation it can put someone into. We found nothing and began panting from the running. Not wasting much time, we hurried to the guys and tried pushing the door open. It won't budge.

"Stand back," Patrick ordered Arian as he took calculated steps backward. Realizing what he wanted to do, I joined him and we knocked the doors down together.

Scanning through the room, I saw Blair laying down on the bathroom floor. It's obvious she's out cold.

Anger coursed through me and I swing at Maison hitting him across the jaw, I saw Arian and Patrick take Blair out of the room and focused on the dickhead in front of me.

I'm caught off guard and get a punch to the stomach. I double over and was hit right in the middle of my back. Staggering backward, I regained my stamina and went for a hit, trying not to cause any permanent damage. That caught him off guard and he crouched down to nurse himself. I hit his head with my elbow and flipped him over. Crouched down over him, I began to deliver several blows to his face. One hit after another till he flipped us over and began delivering his own set of punches. I gathered all the strength left in me and kneeled him where the sun doesn't shine, pushing him off me. I got up and stumbled out of the bathroom and into the library.

It only took a few seconds but it felt like forever.

Noise filled the air as soon as I was noticed. Breathing out in relief, I passed out on the floor, welcoming the darkness.


"Why was Blair with Maison and how did they know each other before, because I'm damn sure she won't just walk off into a bathroom with him if she hadn't met him a couple of times before today," I heard a voice ask. It was a guy's voice and was very familiar.

"They use to be neighbors," someone spoke softly back. I was a female this time.

"Yeah, so? It's unlike her,"

"She used to like him back then,"

" Oh!" The guy's voice said. Then I realized that it was Arian and Patrick.

" The real question here is, how and why she passed out,"

"I swear if this Henry guy is involved in it in any way, I'll kill him,"

" And I'll get the body bag,"

I opened my eyes and recognized that this is the nurses' office. Standing up, I walk out of the room. At least, that's what I had in mind before I was intercepted by the nurse.

"Where are you going, young man?"

"Home," I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated," she said calmly as she had dealt with worse.

"I didn't want it to be," I retorted.

"Yo! Your girlfriend is still in the hospital and you think you can just live?!" Patrick said behind me. I tensed, everything finally rushing back to me. Blair got hurt!!!

"Where the fvck is she!?"

"Calm down," the nurse said as she led me to a different room.

I saw Blair and wanted to break that Dutch bag for hurting her, but the thought that she likes Maison just disgusts me.

"She'll be fine," the nurse told me and left us.

"What are you doing here?" Blair asks.

"Checking on my girlfriend," I said plainly.

"You should be in her room then,"

"That's where I am,"

" Leave," she replied weakly, now I'm actually wondering if she rests at home.

"I can't believe you like that ass hole!"

" I don't see how's your problem,"

"I'm just looking out for you!"

" Don't!"

" You're driving me insane!"

"Then just stay away from me,"

I regretted those words as soon as they left my mouth. I didn't mean it like th

at but I'm sure she won't be hearing that.

"I'm sorry," I tried apologizing.

"You don't have to be, I do drive people crazy. Stay away. I do mean it this time"

One step forward two steps backward