Chapter Eleven

Blair's POV

Opening my eyes, it's like a thousand-watt led lamp was placed right in front of me. Groaning, I close my eyes, willing the light to just go off. It'll take me a few minutes to get used to them.

Looking around me and figure I'm in the nurse's office with no memory of what happened. I try closing my eyes to try and recall how I got here, but nothing came back to me.

I groan in frustration and sit up. I try standing up when the nurse walks in.

"It's a good thing you're awake. The school closes in an hour,"

" What happened?" I asked eager to get answers.

" I was just about to ask you the same. Your friends found you passed out in the bathroom. Anything you wanna talk about?" She checks a few things in a dumb book and I just get occupied by staring at the ceiling, providing her with no answer and zoning out.

"Earth to Blair!" She calls out, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You should rest. I'll have your mom pick you up in while,"

" No!!!" I panic.

" No?" She's obviously confused.

Like which normal person would refuse their mom taking the home when they fall sick, knowing that it's a perfect opportunity to ask them for things and get them because your mom would be too panicked about your health to turn you down.

But that's just the thing.

I'm not normal.

And neither is my family.

"Don't call her. I'm fine. Perfectly fine,"

She really shouldn't. Dad's wife would end my life. I look down at myself and practically have a heart attack.

"Where's my hoodie?" panic rises quickly within me.

"Over there," she points to one of the sofas in the room and I waste no time jumping off the bed and grabbing it. I fiddle with the zipper a little out of nervousness.

"Care to explain the scars and bruises?" She folds her hands and holds a serious expression on her face.




"I would be speaking to your parents about this tomorrow,"

" Why?", I asked.

" To help you,"

"Rest assured, you would be making things worse for me,"

"I'll like to hear what your mom has to say about that,"

"Suit yourself,"

She exits the room and Henry walks in.

"What are you doing here,"

"Checking on my girlfriend," he replies and it didn't take an expert to know he was teased a couple of minutes ago.

"You're in the wrong room," I try to dismiss him, but he's not having it.

"I can't believe you like him,"

"How's that your problem,"

I know he's referring to Maison, but what I don't know is how he knows about my crush on Maison.

Oh, wait...


Of course...

" I'm just looking out for you,"

" Then don't," God, I need this guy to leave. Staying here with him after seeing him swapping spit with that bimbo pisses me off. It shouldn't, but it does.

"You're driving me crazy,"

"Then stay away from me," I won't be having one asshole come into my life and dictate for me, or blame me for some shit.

"I'm sorry," why can't he take a fucking hint and leave me alone.

"You're right. I do drive people crazy. Now stay away from me,"

He walks out with an unknown expression on his face, and I almost feel guilty.


But I don't.

I lay down and enjoy the last minutes of peace and quiet I have access to before my day goes full swing into chaos. I try thinking about the good things in my life, but I find nothing. Sometimes I think I'm better off dead.

The bell goes indicating the end of the school day and I make my way out of the school. I start walking home when Henry's car pulls over to my side.

"Get in," he said coldly making me flinch.

"Fuck off,"

"It's either this, or you ride with the nurse home. Think fast, she's coming"

I look back and see the nurse, so I open the door and slam it close behind me.

"Your address," I tell him and he punches it into his GPS device as he makes his way out of the school compound.

The ride home is silent and I'm grateful for that. I could really use all the quiet I can get before stepping through the doors of my house.

Halfway home, Henry asks a question.

"Rws@ghzhjk&#_$#upygs" I don't think this is what he said, but I wasn't exactly paying attention, so...


"Care to explain why you were passed out on the bathroom floor?"

" The bathroom...ohh...ohhh..." It all comes back to me and I'm suddenly feeling bile in my mouth.

"You didn't remember when you woke up?"

"Does it matter?"

"To me, yes."

"Such a talented sweet talker,"

"I want answers"

"You're not the only one with questions."

"Then ask, princess,"

"Don't call me that!" I snap

"Maison showed me a picture of you and Lora swapping spit," he slowed down and I realize that we are at my house already.

"Good night and thanks for the ride," I say hopping down from his vehicle and walking into hell-on-earth.

I hear him call after me and say a bunch of jumbled words that I can't understand as my mind has traveled far and wide, trying to anticipate and mentally prepare myself for what's to come.

But, all my preparations were flushed down the toilet as soon as I walked in through that door and see Ella on the floor her clothes stained with what looked like blood, and dad's wife hovering above her with a cord in her hand.

Jumping to place myself between them, she pounces on me and delivers several lashes to me. Hitting everywhere except my face. I scream and claw at my back when I realize that the cord is actually a whip.

I beg her to stop, desperate for everything to end but I'm greeted with more hits on my back. Just when I think I'm about to pass out, she stops and asks me to clean up and make dinner in one hour. Assuring me that we are only getting started.

Third person's POV

~Flashback to the day before Blair and Henry went to represent the school~

Henry's laugh can be heard ringing through the bar. He's seated at the far end of the bar with a bunch of friends guys from his school.

"Dude! I can't believe you have a crush on that chick!" One of the guys seated around the table says in between laughs.

"Everyone has a crush on her," another one of them chimes in.

"I don't have a crush on her. I just want to fuck her." The first guy says and the rest of the guys burst out laughing.

"I can have whenever I want," Henry blurts out. "I'm the senior boy after all."

"Yeah? Well, do it." The first guy says

"It's a

dare," another one adds.

"Well I guess we have ourselves a dare," Henry says as he fist bumps one of the guys seated next to him and the others cheer him up.