Chapter Twenty-one


Heyooooo people

How goes it?

So, this chapter's gonna be really short, but read it anyway.

Don't forget to read the authors note below.

Blair's POV

Dear diary,

It's been quite a while. I wish I've written much sooner. It's obvious it's just me and you now. No friends, and definitely no family.

Do you know that feeling, when you are vulnerable the this one person and then you get scared because you don't want to get hurt. But then you try to trust but it's like basically impossible because you're totally broken?

That's exactly how I feel right now.

It hurts that I feel for someone, but it hurts even more knowing that I can't follow the feelings, and not because I have priorities or something, but because I just can't trust.

It hurts so bad that it blends in completely with the pain from my illness.