Chapter Thirty

Arian's POV

Minutes pass by before the knocking from the door stopped. It's now quiet save for the sound of dripping water somewhere down in the basement. I gather myself from the ground and start pacing around the room. There has to be something I can do, right?

I can't be this helpless?

No one can be this helpless.

It's should be illegal for anyone to feel this helpless.

Seconds turns into minutes and minutes turns into whatever it turns into. Just as I'm about to resign to faith, I hear the clinging of chains behind me. Startled, I turn around to find a wide awake Blair.

"Great. The doesn't look or smell like limbo."

"Blair. Oh my God. I was almost certain you were dead." I rush to her. Too scared to touch her, I stand a few inches from her.

"Yeah, me too." She says like she really means it. Like she really wants to be dead.

"What are you doing here?" She asks casually, like she's talking about the weather.