Chapter Forty-two

Arian's POV

After half an hour, we are finally settled inside the plane. A flight attendant is demonstrating a bunch of safety precautions, but it's clear no one is paying much attention to her. I look around me and sigh in discontent. The seating arrangement wasn't what I expected and I wasn't happy at all, I'm pretty sure none of us were happy with the seating arrangement.

Blair was about two rows from me and Khalid was five seats behind me.

"At least we were in the same aisle." I try to console myself.

I hear a familiar voice call out to me so I look around but I couldn't find anyone. I close my eyes as I massage my forehead to try to ease the stress.

"I could have sworn I heard him," I thought to myself.

There's no was he's on this part of the plane with us. All three of us were flying economy, there's no way he's here.

I look to my right at stair at the one thing that was keeping my mood up right now, the window.

Yes, motherfuckers! I got a window seat.