Sun of Promised Island

Henry's first days at Bali island were filled with various of shocking moments and even bitter tragedies prior his meeting with his Balinese friend Made. Surely reality was truly differed from imagination and Henry was just an innocent newcomer to this so called promised island. Henry was still jobless and astrayed, even after he met Made in the end.

But who was Made actually? According to Henry's explanation, Made was a native Balinese came from Klungkung regency of Bali island, before he and his mom decided to move and settle down at Kuta, exactly at Pedungan area. He was from mid low caste family according to Balinese Hindu custom and he had has two siblings, an elder brother and a mid sister above him. Both of them were already married, unless Made chose to be celibate for his personal purpose.

Made was an orphan as his dad had passed away since his high school time, thus he must lived a harsh life with only his mom and his siblings. Made was distinguished from his siblings due to his special talents against traditional Balinese art crafts and he got his various apprenticeships from several traditional master sculptors and painters from Gianyar and Ubud, just after he graduated from high school and became a multitalented artist who worked on traditional Balinese sculpting and painting field.

Made was also a traditional Balinese dancer and musician who joined his traditional gamelan ensemble troop as one of gamelan instrument players. His mom was a traditional kebaya dressmaker and from that job, his mom can sustain the family's finance post the absence of father's duty in the family.

In appearance, Made was really sober in nature and somewhat charismatic due to his sixth sense development inside of him since he was still teenage. He was a very tidy person and loves cleanliness in his life habits. Made can foreseeing anyone's destiny as part of his indigo people's ability. Made was abstain from all filthy subjects and habits, like smoking and drinking, even though mostly Balinese youths fond of drinking arak liquor irresponsibly and get inebriated subsequently.

This was because of Made's job as traditional Balinese sculptor and painter who created a lot of sacred objects intended for religious devotional purposes. Made was known as one of several sacred Balinese cult statues or Pratima sculptors around the Bali island. Made was also appointed to get participated in renovation projects of the Balinese Pura temples due to his profession as traditional Balinese painter.

Henry was amazed after he observed what Made had has achieved, though Henry wasn't an art lover. Despite of it, Henry often shared his knowledge about modern technology and internet, because Made was still a traditional people who wasn't familiar with urban life and modern technology. Henry also taught Made English language course as Made wasn't good in foreign language, besides of his traditional and formal Balinese also Javanese and Kawi.

Henry's affair with Made was neutral, even if Made knew if Henry was a gay and Made did neither dispel nor disdain him because of his status as a gay individual. Hence Henry was grateful and regarded Made as his little sun of his promised island. Even if Made could just foretell Henry about his destiny, but however Henry refused it and Made respected Henry's will therefore.

But however Henry once accepted one of Made's suggestion post being foreseen. Made told Henry to choose tour guide job due to his energetic and enthusiastic nature, also because of Henry fond of discovering new things and venturing out. Henry's foreign languages including English and Chinese thus he was sufficient enough to work as a tour guide.

Henry didn't question it and thanked Made for the suggestion. Made also suggested Henry a tour guide bureau of which Henry can apply his resume to there and joined the test program to obtain his authentic tour guide license. Yes, being a tour guide at Bali island requires a license, otherwise it's considered as an illegal one and outlawed.

Henry just followed what Made had suggested to him. It wasn't a simple thing to do and Henry must be patient to get his first test as a tour guide candidate and his resume was in the long queue of other applicants before him. Thus Henry spent his spare times by following Made and help him doing favors, especially as caretaker of Made's working atelier in the house. In return, Henry got free meals at his house and he learnt from Made about traditional Balinese cultures as part of his tour guide's self study.

Sometimes Henry wandered around the Bali island and learned whatever he required as his main knowledge to become a tour guide. Surely Henry didn't have any artistic talents, thus avoided him of being Made's apprentice in the atelier, thus becoming a tour guide was the best choice Henry could get.

During his hardships, Henry tried hard to be really frugal and he sacrificed so much from his own savings prior. If that's not because of his parents helped him through their limited funding to help Henry's financial, maybe Henry would use up all his money and forced to return back home as a loser. Henry thanked them both much, though he forgot how to pray for them and praying like he did back to Medan city and his Buddhist temple.

Made hence to Henry's spiritual condition, gently reminded Henry to regain back his lost faith for his own goodness and there were also Buddhist temples at this Bali Island and Made knew several of them. Henry was supposed to re-embrace his prior faith, though Henry was tentative due to his bad memories perhaps.

Henry was still haunted by his old memories, especially the bad ones back to Medan city. Made was incapable to help more as that's only Henry himself can alter his own destiny and get rid of his personal bad memories. His craving for a soulmate was also haunted him same bad and Made took pity for Henry for his condition as a gay individual with extreme difficulty in searching for his one soulmate.

Once Made took Henry to his Pura temple for accompanying him praying and Henry wasn't obliged to follow Made's custom to pray in Balinese religious tradition. But however Made, prior to his sixth sense saw a vision of Henry's soulmate just after he finished praying and submitted his offerings before a shrine.

After they left the Pura temple, Made told Henry if he will find his soulmate in this very Bali island and Henry must be patient for it. Henry wasn't offended just took it lightly before he asked Made what kind of people who will be his soulmate according to the vision. Made told if it's a white people guy with really huge and muscular shape also handsome face and blue eyes. The guy also wore some tattoos though appeared blurry and unclear.

Henry was surprised and blushed in an instant. What was told by Made was just exactly according to his own taste and he did actually craved so much ever since he was at Medan city. He wanted a guy just like that and that made Henry dumbfounded for a while.

Made realized if he'd already hit Henry's sensitive spot hardly, tried to apologize and dismissed whatever he mentioned prior. But Henry wasn't offended just smiled awkwardly, denoted if Made's prophecy about his soulmate was correct and according to his criteria.

Henry was a pure Chinese descendant and he was born in the middle of ethnic Chinese settlement at Medan city. For the first time he reached Bali island, many misunderstood locals thought he was a Japanese and they often ridiculed him, especially at Kuta Beach vicinity. Upon listened to Henry's bad story, Made warned Henry to stop visiting that place frequently, due to many local scoundrels and even foreign criminals in disguise lurked on that place.

Henry just obeyed what Made told him because of Made's own experiences prior at that place he also disliked much. But in response of Henry's question about those bad white foreigner criminals those were arrested by local cops for their ridiculous and petty crimes in this Bali island, Henry was afraid if his soulmate wannabe who was described as a white foreigner would appear as criminal rather than good one.

But Made convinced Henry if he want to regain his lost faith and pray desperately, thus he can alter his own destiny and the white guy who was supposed to be his soulmate is the good one, even virtuous and efficacious one who will accept and love Henry unconditionally. Otherwise Henry would get a nasty criminal guy who will give him endless troubles.

Made can't guarantee anything and he apologized to Henry for made him believe the obscure future foretold by him prior. But Henry wasn't serious and just took everything nonchalantly. Henry only focused on his job finding first and surely he need to make money first for him before he could find a soulmate eventually. That relieved Made much upon listened to Henry's wise mind.