Olga went into the room in the morning, in which she very conveniently found a heavy bedside table and a falling floorboard.

It seems to have been said by someone who thinks he is smart or who is such that everything ingenious is simple.

Therefore, simply and ingeniously, the wolf decided to hide a crown under the floorboard.

Olga uttered an obscene exclamation in her native Spanish when her hand felt an emptiness under the floorboard.

— Gustavsson!— a woman burst into the albino's room and squeezed his skinny throat with her fingers.— If you don't tell me where is the black box that I hid a couple of days ago on the floorboard?—

The muscles of Michael's neck quietly cracked, Olga's eyes turned yellow.

— You... Will you let me tell you?—Michael croaked with difficulty.— I'm nich... I didn't take anything! —

— Why should I believe you?—Karsten asked.

— Because I don't have a habit of lying!— Michael fell to the floor after unclenching his fingers and coughed.— I didn't even know what was there! —

— There was something that we came here to destroy!—Olga stamped on the floor with her boot.— And why exactly when we come here, she disappears! Right here!—

Michael cleared his throat loudly and loudly.

— You really need to control your emotions...— he said softly.— I'll help you find it... If you still tell me then what was there...—

— The crown of the Northern wolves.—Olga sat down on the edge of the table.— Can you breathe?—

— The crown... Damn it!—Michael screamed and coughed again.— I'll help you anyway... —


Mathias was tearing something red with his teeth and claws in the room where Maria, Christoph and Bjorn were sleeping.

— Well, well...— Bjorn, sitting down in the coffin, pulled the cat to him and selected an improvised toy.—.. It's bad... This is very bad!—

Putting Mathias on a chair, Bjorn rushed down the corridor.

— Liv!— he calls loudly.— Olivia! Olga!—

When he turned the corner, the claws pierced his back.

The ancient vampire fell to the floor and lost consciousness for a while more from fear than from pain.

In front of him was a huge white wolf.

The wound on his back burned very badly, but now the pain has subsided and Bjorn jumped up, pulling a pistol from his belt.

The first shot missed its target, but the second one scratched a giant paw.

— Who are you?— Bjorn pinned the wolf to the floor with his weight and blocked the paws.

—I'm not going to tell that to an ice demon!—The werewolf growled angrily, remaining in animal form.

— If you don't want to talk, I think it's not worth talking to you!—Bjorn grabbed the wolf by the neck.— The last chance! -

From under the lips of the ancient vampire, not the usual fangs for any vampire, but long uneven wedge-shaped teeth.

— By destroying the crowns, you will destroy the whole world!—The werewolf shouted, gathering his last strength.

Bjorn didn't even realize how quickly he was hit against the wall.

There was a cool spot under the back of his head.

— Olga! There's a wolf here!— Bjorn jumped up, staggered for a second and ran after the fleeing one.

Olga overcame a couple of floors, but Michael managed to get there faster.

The long-haired man, standing at the top, pushed the button in the hidden panel to the limit.

A cage fell on the wolf at the entrance.


— He still didn't say anything?— Stefan came to the cage with a new bag of Skittles.

— Like a grave mute.—Maria twirled the dagger in her hands.— The fact that he is still silent even does him credit. I love the steadfast.—

— I wouldn't say it does him any credit. I personally hate such people.—Stefan scattered colorful candies on the table.

— Hahah, people?—Maria chuckled.

— And maybe we'll ask Bjorn? His new powers may be very useful for torture.—

— The powers of the blood witch?— a strong hand grabbed Maria by the collar from behind.

— Mom...—The vampire rolled her eyes.—And who told you? Or did you manage to listen to us?—Maria asked.

— Bjorn just blabbed to me!— her mother answered her.— He's very talkative when he sleeps off. And how long did you think to hide it?—

— I don't know how it's possible, but what?—Maria asked.—I know how much you hate blood magic...—

— Okay, that's not what I'm talking about. Where's the father? I saw him coming down here.—Olga unclenched her claws.

— Steph and I didn't see anyone here.—Maria rubbed her neck.—You'd be a little more careful with your claws...—

— Sorry...—Olga looked at her claws.— I didn't think they hurt so much when I'm angry... Where is Vegard anyway?—

— I only saw my father this morning. And then not anymore.—Maria turned to her non—blood brother.— And you, Steph?—

— I didn't see. It seems... I haven't seen Vegard since breakfast. I thought it was a little weird myself. I usually see him always...—

A scream cut through the air.

The sound rolled through ears, cut through eardrums and almost deprived me of hearing.

— Who is this?—Maria froze.— It can't be...—

— Yes, it's Dad!—Olga grabbed the first axe that came to hand.— Let's run there!—

While still in that cult, Vegard mastered one of the most audible calls - the banshee cry. This cry pierces through any matter.

The sound they heard was definitely a banshee scream.

Vegard could barely hold on to a small piece of rock, which was hammered by a gigantic lizard with its tail from all sides.

— Tessa, stop it! These are guests, don't you dare touch them!— Michael went down on the lift as low as possible and he also almost got his spiked tail.— Tessa!—

— Michael, do you have a dragon?— Maria flew over the abyss on chains and took her father.— We agreed not to hide anything from each other! —

— Tessa doesn't like people. I apologize to you for her.—Michael pressed a button on the elevator console.— Let's talk upstairs.—

— And what? Will your pet mind?—Vegard asked.— Shorten her leash.—

— Upstairs.— Gustavsson led everyone into his lift. The inner one was much larger than the outer one and could withstand more weight.— Tessa Amethyst and I help each other... If it wasn't for her, it's not a fact that my castle would have remained at least like this.—

The elevator stopped in the corridor and everyone got out of the huge iron basket.

— Come on, it's better to explain everything sitting down.—Michael waved his hand in the direction of the living room, which was closest.

When everyone was comfortable, he himself sat down in an old wicker chair and began to talk:

— Several rooms had already been blown up. The Wentworth werewolves and some other crooks tried to take over the castle.—he sighed.— I almost died then, Arnold protected me. And then the flame came out of the ground and they began to run away... She was woken up by our fuss. Tessa used to protect my stepfather. Even though I'm not his bloodless son, it doesn't matter at all to Tessa Amethyst. My stepfather ordered her to protect me after his death. With her roar underground, she drives away those who have unkind thoughts...—

— Michael, why did your dragon attack my father?—Maria asked.

— I don't know... It's not like Tessa...—


The presence of a dragon made the situation more tense than it was before.

Yes, and the crown was gone ...

sniffing and trying to take a trace did not give anything at all. There was nothing to take a trail from. There was no smell.

— It feels like the crown was stolen by a cleaner or some real master of smells...—Olga sighed.

— Do not despair, we will find this damned crown, my love...—Vegard hugged his wife.— Oh, Olga... You're just as beautiful as the first day we met... My fiery one...—

Scarlet curls slid between white fingers like snakes.

Olga sighed. The emerald-colored eyes changed their color, became like turquoise.

— Darling, why did you come down? I forgot to ask you about it.—Vegard kissed the top of his wife's head.

— I haven't seen Christophe for a day and a half. And the last time I saw him, he was so weird... It bothered me right away.—

- Christophe!—Olga jumped up.— He has the same...

Olga and Vegard jumped up and ran to Maria.

The vampire was practicing with a pole in the courtyard.

— Maria!—Olga called out to her daughter.— Where's Christophe? He drank your blood, can you find out where he is?!—

Maria suddenly realized that she felt absolutely nothing.

— Christophe...—The vampire whispered fearfully, stroking the ring that Finn had once given her.— Where are you?—

No answer. Not a single trace of his presence.

— He's not answering... I can't hear his soul... If he's alive at all, then he's just terribly far away...—

— Maybe I'll try? My new power might be useful.—Bjorn came up to her.— Give me his ring.—

An electric wave seemed to pass through the body. It was both painful and pleasant.

Bjorn closed his eyes.

— He's not far away... But something extinguished it. Something took away his mind. And now Christophe is changing...—

The words were interrupted by a shot.

Gasping for air, Bjorn fell to the floor.

He had never needed air before, but now there is so little of it...

— If you destroy the crown, you will destroy the world!— Christophe flew into the room through the broken window.

— Christophe!—Maria held up her hands.— Christophe, come to your senses...—

— You don't have to destroy them... You cannot destroy what the world stands on...Christophe jumped to the floor.

Maria ran up to him.

The Finnish werewolf put his mace forward:

— Stop! —

— Christophe, don't... Please don't... You wanted all this, too...— Maria came so close that she touched this old mace with her finger.— Christophe, just look at me... Look at me. You're going to kill me, aren't you?—

— Go away!!—Christophe waved his hand.— Get away from me, get away! You're as cold as...— he stumbled unexpectedly. Hitting the wall made his vision clearer.— Maria! Darling... Maria... I feel so bad... Why is my mind leaving me? Why is he leaving?—

- Christophe!Maria hugged him, throwing the mace on the floor.— My love, look at me...—

— Maria...— Christophe threw the suitcase with the crown on the floor.— I'm so tired of fighting...—

- I understand, my dear... I understand everything very well... We'll fix it soon. Soon there will be no crown...—

Maria hugged her beloved tightly to her. His short hair pricked her fingers.

— Christophe... My beloved, my precious Christophe...—

Finn was trembling from crying in the cool hands of his beloved.

— We'll do it today, Christophe, we'll do it today!—Maria said.