Lucca, the Alpha of the Lycans, was tired of not being able to enter the territory near the Palace, there it was necessary to hunt, while where they were there was almost no food, he had already asked King Dracula to allow him to enter only to hunt, but He did not allow it, so he had already drawn up a plan, to force him to comply with his requests.

Julius was the key piece to enforce what he wanted to ask Dracula, he had his allies within the city, and they had already given him notice that Julius was going to arrive at Rubenio's house, so he had already arranged his Lycans, and the fuss he would make to get Dracula to come and hold his son hostage to meet his demands

Explosions, screams, howls were heard in the distance and people began to run and scream in fear.

Larissa's father said

-Run! hide in my house and close the doors

Julius ran with Larissa to her house, while Larissa's father, Rubenio, closed his business and he stayed locked up with almost all his employees.

At Dracula's office, Samira ran into her right hand of the warrior vampires

-Your Majesty, they are attacking the city, the Lycans of Lucca have already killed hundreds of humans, they are near Rubenio's house, the one who supplies us with groceries, and his son Julius is in his house

-Is Julius at Rubenio's house? Go protect Rubenio's house and business, but now, I'm going to see where Lucca is.

He got up from his chair, remained pensive, closed his eyes, smiled, waved his hand and dressed in his favorite black cape with a fuchsia background, put on black boots, and made scarlet smoke and left.

While in the city, the Lycanthropes devastated what they could, they killed whoever they found, the vampires gave them a fight, not so the poor humans, who fell into their powerful claws, smoke was seen everywhere and near the tumult was a gigantic Lycan was the King of the Lucca Lycans.

-Search the city, Dracula's son is here, I want him hostage! look it up!

The Lycans sniffed, they ran from one side to the other looking for Julius, some were close, but they couldn't find him, it was because Larissa and Julius were hiding in the basement behind some beef skins, which were drying.

The warrior vampires arrived at Rubenio's house and began to fight with the Lycans, likewise those who came to Rubenio's business as well

Lucca was perched on a very tall building sniffing, he looked from here to there, he seemed to smell it, but the aroma was lost, he was getting impatient.

Dracula appeared in front of Lucca and he jumped to the side in surprise.

-Dracula,... but... how... are you... are you here

-Hello Lucca, what are you doing in my Kingdom? What are you looking for?!

Lucca looked at him internally, she was afraid of him and her plan was to kidnap her son to make him agree to certain requests, but having him like this in front of him frightened him.

"It's something you don't care about, Dracula," he said in a strong tone.

Then Dracula laughed out loud.

-Hahahaha, ah Lucca, you're looking for something important, you're not here for nothing, what is it? what are you hiding?

Lucca threw himself down to the street and ran at high speed, Dracula saw him and followed him as he ran after Lucca killing every Lycan that got in front of HIM.

Lucca never imagined that Dracula would find him, before fulfilling his plans first, but he did, he passed near Rubenio's house, and he smelled Julius, he knew him because once as a child he played in a garden and he got out through a hole

Lucca found him playing, hugged him, and took him to Dracula, who instead of thanking him, hit him hard until he bled saying

-Beast release my son, you are only beasts, animals, get out!

And he threw him out of the Palace, he didn't go very far, he was always around.

Then Lucca felt the scent of Julius strongly, and stopped dead, she ordered all the Lycans that were there to attack only Dracula, and they ran to attack him, they were by hundreds that surrounded the Vampire King, and his warriors, seeing this, pounced to help him, leaving Rubenio's house unprotected.

Lucca entered through the back of the house, breaking through the wall, I entered but didn't see anyone, not a single noise, but the aroma reached her, I entered sniffing everywhere, and reached the basement door, smiled and demolished it, it was dark but he had the advantage of being able to see in the dark, he entered another room, and saw that it was full of meat and beef hides.

But that vampire aroma was different from any other smell, he also felt the smell of another vampire, but that one was not interesting to him, only that of Dracula's son, noises were heard and other Lycans came down who had sensed their king, and were going to go to him. help, Lucca saw them and signaled for them to search.

Since they were many, they covered more territory and... they found them, they cornered them

Lucca smiled when she saw them, she went ahead and stood in front of them.

-So you are the son of King Dracula, hahaha Julius, hahaha, come here!

"Don't hurt him please, please" Larissa yelled.

The Lycans were closing in on her, and Lucca said

-Leave her! I don't care about her, this is the one I was looking for, hahaha, let's go!

-Leave me, why do you want me? , my father is going to kill you! -Julius shouted scared

-Calm down vampire! I just want to negotiate with your father, hahaha

And they left just as Dracula was killing the last Lycans, and he realized that Lucca was holding his son by the arm, he stood in front of him saying

"Let go of my son, or you'll regret it!" said Dracula

"No, I'm going to take it, unless you promise me, that you're going to meet my demands!" said Lucca

Dracula was raging, it was his son, his love, he was touching him

"Lucca, I demand that you drop it, don't touch it!" said an enraged Dracula

-Dracula, are you going to listen to what I want? Or else I'll kill him in front of you!

-You would not dare!

"Do you want to see it?! Hahahaha, answer me! Are you going to listen to what I want?" said Lucca

-I don't care about anything, let go of my son Lucca!

-So that's what you want Dracula, do you want this?

And Lucca began to bury a claw in Julius's chest who screamed in pain

Dracula was losing his temper, his eyes were red with anger, he was hurting his beloved son.

Larissa came out screaming, and pulling Julius, she took him from Lucca, and they both fell to the ground.

"Let him go, Wolf!" Larissa yelled.