And he began to walk making the ground rumble, he looked at Rubenio and Larissa smiled a little at them and said

-I want to talk to you, go to my office and wait for me there.

-Yes, your majesty!-said the two and went to the office.

He called his right hand a warrior vampire, whispered something to him, shook his hand and they both disappeared in a gigantic black mist.

All the inhabitants of the Palace murmured frightened by what they saw, their king was never transformed like this, never if they were terrified of him before now it was worse, much worse.

Meanwhile Dracula had gone to the kingdom of the Lycans, upon arriving there when they saw him, all the Lycan warriors became alert and Dracula said

-I'm King Dracula! Your King Lucca is dead, so I've come to talk to his son Marcus.

Marcus came out of the cave, he was gigantic like Lucca, he looked at Dracula and approached very slowly.

-Did you say my father is dead? How do I know if it's true!

Dracula laughed out loud.

-He killed my beloved son Julius and I killed him and if you want proof, I'll give it to you!

He crouched down a little and began to make noises as if to vomit, he spit something out and Marcus was seen backing away scared, it was his father's head.

-Noooo, my dad!

Dracula smiled showing his huge fangs.

-There's the proof! , he went to my kingdom to kill my son and that is why he is dead, and I come to see you who are now the new King of the Lycans and make you this proposal, since your father acted in the wrong way towards me.

Marcus mourned his dead father, but if he heard what Dracula said, his father himself went looking for death, he stood up and said

-I hear you, what is your proposal King Dracula

Dracula realized that he spoke to him with respect and said

-I want you to treat me as your King, you owe obedience only to me, here in your kingdom you are the king but when you go to mine or where I am you owe me obedience, do you agree?!

Marcus looked at Dracula through his tears and said

-I accept my king Dracula! , we will always obey your orders wherever you are

-Very well, then my first order is that a hundred of your Lycans go to my Kingdom to protect the boundaries of the Kingdom, vampires and humans, from the monsters that know how to appear there.

"Yes, my King," said Marcus.

-Okay, I hope to see you tomorrow stationed on the boundaries, they will be properly fed with the cattle that I will provide and they will have their own water well every 5km.

Marcus listened to what Dracula was saying, it was just not like his father said and he began to think that maybe he was wrong all along.

-My King, can I come over to say something, only to you?

-Yes, come here!

Marcus walked up to Dracula and said

-I apologize for what my father did and my condolences for the death of Julius

Dracula was stunned, this was not like Lucca was totally different

-Okay, your father was wrong, he took the most precious thing I had.

Marcus withdrew a bit and said

-Tomorrow first thing in the morning, my Lycans will be at the borders of the Kingdom

-Very well Marcus I retire and thanks for being reasonable.

And it vanished in an immense glowing black mist

Marcus grabbed his father's head, hugged her and began to cry, walked with her to where he made a hole in the ground and buried her.

The old men wanted to reply to the new king what he was doing and he was very drastic when answering

-You are to blame for my father's death! , bad advice, bad orders, I am not going to listen to anything they tell me and if they insist, they will be banished or killed!

And he went to his cave accompanied by heads of other clans to receive the orders of the new king.

Dracula returned to the palace smiling.

-Did you notice Samira, Marcus doesn't look like his stupid father at all, hahaha he looked like a lapdog, hahaha

-Your Majesty, I will prepare the warriors for the coming of the Lycans.

-Wait Samira! Let them rest, tomorrow they must arrive at noon

-Oh, okay, Your Majesty, then I'm going to rest.

"Okay Samira" Dracula said and did something that stunned the girl

He bent down and kissed her on the forehead and left, everyone who saw that was open-mouthed.

He transformed into the same Dracula as always and entered his office.

-Okay, now to have a serious talk with you two.

Father and daughter looked surprised at what the King said

He sat in his chair in the office, he looked calm, more serene, and that was what scared the couple, that calm, a lot of calm

-Well, I wanted to tell you that I will not bury my son, because I did the connection rite and now his spirit lives in me now and since Larissa was planning to marry my son and she was going to be the princess, Rubenio wanted to ask you... permission to woo Larissa!.

Rubenio was speechless with surprise and Larissa looked at Dracula curious and shocked at what she heard

-Well my good friend... that you answer me or the mice ate your tongue, hahaha

-Your Majesty, excuse me, but... are you sure about this? I mean... because my daughter was in love with Julius and... well I don't know... oh I don't understand!

Larissa reacted and realized that this beautiful vampire wanted to woo her, he was the father of her lover, but he was still young and handsome, she liked the proposal and hoped that her father would say yes.

-Larissa... daughter, what do you think of the King's proposal? tell me, because I think it's almost the same

Dracula saw Larissa who was staring at him and saw that she smiled and said

- I agree father! , and you?

Rubenio realized that his daughter was interested in the king because of her look towards him and said

-Okay your majesty, you have my permission!

-Thanks Rubenio, I like to do things well.

Dracula got up, took something out of his pocket, approached Larissa, who was extremely excited about what was happening, and looked at her, telling her

-Larissa I know that you loved my son very much, that's why I do this, He dwells in me and I'm sure he would have approved, that's why I ask you Larissa to... accept to be my girlfriend!

Larissa looked at Dracula, he was taller, beefier, more handsome, more of a man than Julius and said

-I accept your majesty, I agree to be your girlfriend!

Dracula smiled seeing her so excited and put the ring on her finger, kissed her on the cheek, but Larissa grabbed the king's face and kissed him on the lips, Dracula hugged her, brought her level with her face and kissed her deeply. and she kissed him back and stroked the king's hair.

While Rubenio looked at the couple and his daughter was small next to the king who was huge and smiled to see her so happy, that happiness would overshadow the pain of losing Julius and that made him very happy.

Dracula finished kissing her, he lowered her smiling at seeing her so spontaneously and told her

-Don't call me Your Majesty, just tell me Dracula, you're my girlfriend and you shouldn't use formalities with me Larissa and don't call me you, you can call me now

Larissa was ecstatic, the king's bride, the king, was in the clouds that Dracula smiled that he was in the clouds, his father Rubenio looked at his daughter who was happy and it seems that she quickly fell in love with the king

-Larissa love, daughter, are you listening to me, daughter!

Larissa reacted by looking at her father who was staring at her.

-Hey, father... did you say something?

Rubenio and Dracula laughed when they heard her not knowing what was happening.

-Daughter, I was like gone, you didn't hear me speak to you and I don't know if you heard what His Majesty told you.

-He told me what?, that his majesty told me noooo... I heard him, what-said Larissa surprised

Dracula got up to hug her smiling to see her doubtful and told her

-Hehehe, I told you to just call me Dracula, don't call me you, you can tell me, we're dating now

-Oh, really?, can I say... you Dracula nothing more, if nothing else?

-Yes love, it's true!

"Aaaaah, Draculaaa, hehehe Draculaaaa, I feel that I love you!" she said hugging him

Dracula smiled feeling her that she was happy and it seemed that she was in love with HIM.

Rubenio looked at her happily and thought that maybe since the king has Julius dwelling in HIM, that's why he feels love for HIM, he said to himself as long as he's happy, that's what matters to me.