-Marietta, do you have a boyfriend or husband?

-No, Your Majesty, I've never had a boyfriend, I'm still very young

Dracula looked at her, she had a beautiful body, he always thought she was older and had many suitors and said

-How old are you?

-Yesterday I turned 118 years old, Your Majesty.

Dracula was surprised, she was very tall for that age and very developed

-So,... you're a virgin right?

Marietta turned red with embarrassment, that I asked her those private things

-Yes your Majesty

The king realized her innocence and perhaps that is why his late son protected her from his fury.

Where are your parents?

-At home majesty, my parents are brick makers

-Mmmm, will you be home right now?

-Yes your Majesty

-Well, I want you to come with me to talk to your parents.

Marietta was scared, she thought she had done something wrong and her eyes filled with tears.

-What happens Marietta, why are you going to cry? you haven't done anything wrong