-My little wolf wait for me here until I settle some issues and I'll find you a room in the Palace so you can be there.

-Are you going to get me out of here? Do you…love me that much?

Dracula grabbed his cheeks and said

-Of course I love you and a lot, so stay here and I'll come back to look for you, okay?

-Of course, Dracula.

-Then let's take a bath.

The King grabbed him carrying him laughing to the bathroom and so he turned on the shower, water fell on both of them to the laughter of the two and together they bathed, dried, dressed and Dracula left.

He arrived at his office, he was signing some papers and there was a knock on the door


"Your Majesty, excuse me, did you send for me?" Samira said.

-Come in Samira, close the door.

She came in sat down and stared at him waiting for some order and Dracula said

-Samira, if you ever had to sacrifice yourself for me, would you do it?

Samira without any doubt without hesitating I answer quickly