I hug Marietta who was a sea of tears, they re-entered the Palace. They were about to go up the stairs and a guard called him saying

-Sorry my king, but they want to talk to you

Dracula turned around and looked towards the entrance and there was the great Necromancer and... Lucius. He squeezed Marietta's hand, she realized that she was before the King's Mate.

"Let's go to my office," he said.

The two followed him up the stairs and Marietta was about to leave when Dracula said

-Wait Marietta, stay with me!

She told herself that she had nothing to do with the king's things, but she stayed, sat on a small sofa, the Great Necromancer entered along with a crestfallen Lucius.

"Please sit down!" Dracula said, staring at Lucius.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," said the Great Negriomancer.

"Tell me what is the reason for your visit" Dracula said without taking his eyes off Lucius.

-Your Majesty came to introduce who will be your new Royal Necromancer