Dracula woke up first, he got up very slowly so as not to wake them up, he went to the kitchen, made a magical gesture and showed freshly prepared food, desserts and bottles full of blood.

Turning around, he tripped over a body, it was Lucius smiling

-Love, the surprise is beautiful, hahaha

-It's not fair I came in silence! How did you feel?

-I'm your mate love! Everything you do or feel, I'll feel it! and I got the smell of food

-Ah, we're hungry, but I don't want to eat yet, so back to the room, let's go!

I grab his hand and pull him back to the room, Marietta was still asleep.

Dracula looked knowingly at Lucius and they smiled, he made a magical gesture and the spray from the shower fell on Marietta and she woke up screaming.

- I'm drowning!

And the two of them laughed tremendously to see her screaming with the surprise of the water.

"Hahahahahahaha, it's the dew, nothing more than love," said the king.

He went to hug her and comfort her