The human jumped in fright when he saw an enormous angel approaching at great speed, bigger than the ones that attacked Dracula and another man in his arms, he stepped aside

"Love, we're here! We're going to help you, take this, it'll recover you!" He gave her a red liquid and she drank it.

"Brother, come here, drink from me, my pure blood will raise your health!" Gabriel showed him his neck and Dracula sank his fangs into him and drank from him.

The wounds closed almost instantly and they helped him stand up, he was as if nothing had happened and he looked at the human who was trembling like a leaf scared of what he had just seen

"Thank you, love," he said to Lucius and kissed Gabriel's smiling face, he said to the human.

-I present to you my husband Lucius, the Archangel Gabriel and I really want to know, who hatched this plan to want to kill me?

The human trembled that he did not say anything, the archangel Gabriel, took him by the lapels saying