They returned to the castle to the office, Samira was there, then Dracula said closing the door

-Let's see my love, I'm going to tell you something, I have a prisoner who is the one who…raped my mother and because of him my parents died of sadness and he is the cause of Drorian almost killing me with the blood of a dead man and then he tried to kill me With its claws impregnated with the blood of the dead, I pretended that it was dead but later I captured it, it is in my personal dungeon.

-And who is your prisoner love?

-His name is Luccer, he was the king of the Lycans of the north, his son Drorian is the king now and when he saw that he killed me he banished him from the Clan.

Samira was looking at him as if telling her to tell them everything.

-Well, I've already been taking revenge on him and well I want to do something that is demeaning and humiliating for him, but I want him to pay for what he did to me

-Love and what do you plan to do?

-A slave