Hades touched both of them and they disappeared, appearing in the office, all sweaty, they looked at each other and laughed before a Samira who looked at them in amazement

-What happened? why do they come like this?

-Hahaha, Samira, the gods gave us an aphrodisiac juice, they wanted to possess us, but the love for our husband prevented us from falling into the trap

-Is that what they wanted? And your majesty?

-He is asleep, but he heard us, he called us, he told us that he loves us and misses us. And we told him the same.

-When do you return to the kingdom?

-Wake up tomorrow at noon, Hades said, we have to wait.

-Okay then I'm going to fix some papers

-See you later Samira

-If your majesties

-Lucius and now what do we do? I can't take it anymore and our husband is not here

-I am thinking what to do.

-Marietta, I'm embarrassed but I was thinking, what if we both masturbate? but no penetration

-Oh Lucius what does it matter I can't take it anymore.