He left and went to the mound, sat down to wait for him, after a while at 8 pm exact time there was a flash and an immense noise, it was the Cherubs, Archangels and angels who came down first, and at the last the Omnipotent materialized from a white cloud , God of universe.

They looked at each other deeply and then Dracula got up and said

-How are you Omnipotent?

-From what I see, you're not going to return Gabriel to me, or am I wrong?

-Well no, I'm not going to give it to you and if you want war, you'll have war, but I want to tell you one thing, let's fight just the two of us and whoever wins stays with Gabriel.

The Omnipotent observed him carefully, realizing that he was determined to do everything and answered

-Okay, just the two of us.

Dracula looked at the entire divine army and cleared his throat.

-Jump, and them? Will they be there?

I want you to see the fight

-Okay, but don't interfere.

-Okay, Miguel, please make sure no one intervenes.