The day before the tragedy

Another year later, the Collins-Harper mates are not leaving joy as Matthews' adoption has now come to fruition. Tayron is full of joy and happiness and Luis and his husband are very happy, they had a big party, Jacob is smiling and hugging her grandson, Lyssi takes it off and kisses him every moment

Hadrien and Arlenn observed that happiness is mutual, and Joseph Collins and his wife hugged the new Harper baby together, as they vied for the chance to hang out with the beautiful baby with sky blue eyes

The twins jumped for joy seeing everyone dancing, laughed and watched him in the crib, and played games with the baby, Jacob joined where Tyrone, Louis and his brothers were, hugging Louis said

-Louis, you are already happy, you are complete, you understand what I tell you, a child brings more love to the couple, well Hadrian made me believe that