Lutz 00

In the country of Valia, it was one where magic was everything and anything to those in power. Especially those within the mage division. The country's standing army was not one of the soldiers but of mages instead. They did not have to worry that much about close range combat since they were gifted with so much magic and knowledge that mages of Valia normally would get rid of their foes long before they even had a chance to get close enough for close quarter combat in the first place. Should the off chance of someone getting close does happen their attacks would most bounce off them as they are covered with an innate magical shield that blocks all attacks from close range and then counter attack with a greater force than what was used against them. This would happen in an instant before the human mind was able to process and/or react to it.

To foster such mages that make the division a survival of the fitness system of was what rule over the division. There was no real teamwork within the division at least not in the traditional sense as it was quite literally a team of rivals where everyone was seemingly out for themselves but there were basic outlines and rules that they followed that made it work somehow. Allow the mage division, not the crumble into in fighting as they were all trying to one up the other.

Everyone in the mage division might have their own self interest but they all put the goal of being a mage of Valia about that. What they did and no matter what they did it would never ever harm the reputation that Valia mages have built up over the years. What good would be to get over on someone else be if it tarnished the name and legacy of their country and its mages in the process? The country did not have soldiers to protect thus if the mages were fighting amongst themselves in a manner that would harm the interest of Valia then it was not worth it

Their having a common enemy was also something that kept everyone in line as well. It causes them to realize that while everyone in the mage division might be their rival trying to rise above them. No one within the mage division was their enemy however as their enemy was those that threat Valia. Those within the division were again merely rivals that were useful in keeping them on their toes. Their skills would never grow old or rust if they were constantly learning from their rivals and also bringing up others as a means to teach them. As in the case where no one can properly rival you anymore then raise a rival up yourself. Either you will stay on top as there is someone aiming for your spot or you will realize mistakes you have made and attempt to correct them as you either aim for your spot back in various ways

Losing and winning are important and neither is better than the other. Both have things that they can teach you as always winning leaves you possibly unable to cope with losing. Not aware of what to do next as you were never planning to lose but having the possibility of losing in your mind at least somewhere. That would allow you to immediately have a plan to move forward with little delay. As failure to plan means you are planning to fail, since if you only have success in your mind completely and utterly. With the idea of failure void from your mind then you have no plans for it should it happen to you. Failure is not always a bad thing as it is all about changing one's perspective. You can not succeed all the time as having plans even vague ones in place for bad and unexpected scenarios ahead of time can lead to quicker actions when they actually do accord.

Remaining open to new things and not getting too caught up in tradition and other things. Encourage open mindedness that allows for things to expand when they need to expand and retract when they need to retract. Reign in those that have gone too far before it becomes too late for them and they become a threat. While at the same time allowing those that need room to breathe to have and flourish to the best of their abilities and talent. While at the same time ensuring the emotional stability of everyone within the mage division. This could mean allowing someone to research magic in whatever way they desire as long as it is for the benefit of Valia and will do nothing to harm its name and legacy. Then there could be those that prove themselves as capable of leading their own group within the division thus opening up a brand new one where they are top dog and teaching everyone under them how to be a part of their group.

Give each other the benefit of the doubt. When things go wrong it is not an automatic failure as things will be looked into seriously and only when everything has been researched and thoroughly look through would guilt or innocent be the result. They would be innocent until proven guilty

Persevere. This would be one to survive within this mage division they have to put up with everything that comes with it. Along with ensuring that they do nothing to harm the name, legacy, and good faith that Valia has in the mage division, it is so proud of.