Tafu 04

The leader then made their way over to where Tafu was sitting on the ground. Though they did not have to be as forceful as they were about to be with their method. It was solely because she was a member of this village that the leader had a grudge and vendetta against not exactly her specifically. The grudge this leader had was against the entire village as a whole. One that was great enough for them to use every one of their power and position to wipe it and its people to be wiped from existence itself.

With anger so great and massive the leader was a volcano boiling ready to blow its top at any moment. Thus causing the lava to burst out from the top and then flow down its side destroying anything and everything in its wake. Thus Tafu was punched in the gut so hard that whatever was left in her stomach that had not been digested yet from forced back up and through her mouth out onto the ground. It was not for her current state of mind, where her mind had basically shut down as it was unable to fully process all the death and carnage that was happening all around her at the time. Her mind would have registered the blow instead of just her body which reacted to the impact.

"Seriously no fun until the end it seems," the leader said

They then forcefully flung Tafu away rather than just removing their fist from her stomach. The sound she made as she bounced off the ground was one that show she was not even trying to prevent herself from being harmed by the fall in any way or form.

The leader of the attackers really dislikes Tafu and anyone from her now former village. So much so that seeing them in pain brought them immense joy and satisfaction. They were hoping that the one that got away would be far more interesting than Tafu to mess with.

After landing haphazardly on the ground a magic circle appeared underneath where Tafu now laying staring vacantly at the remain of what had once been her village. Then there was a flash of light, which causes her to no longer be in the charred plain that was once her village anymore. Tafu was within a white void where there were various statues surrounding her and she just lay there motionless and unmoving the same as before. Given everything she had been put through it was unknown if her mind would ever truly recover from the shock that it had been put through at all. After an unknown amount of time just lying there in this motionless white void. The leader then appeared before her yet there was a difference in how the two of them were currently. The leader was standing within an area that was covered by a shadow while Tafu was not.

"Seem like step one worked," the leader said

Looking over Tafu that at some point while she was just lying there she had also become a statue herself just the same as all of the other statues that were around her at the time.

"Strange that she pop up out there but not like I was expecting anymore that useful from her anyway," they said

Tafu could not respond to this as she was now just a statue in whatever this white void space happened to be. The same was true once things reverted back to normal space where she was on the ground in the same pose she had taken after being struck. A statue was no different from that white void space she was in just a moment ago.

"You are no longer needed as bait so rather than just kill you. I thought I used you for something that might be interesting" the leader of those that slaughter her village told her.

Before they could get close to her statue to do anything she fell apart revealing nothing more than medium size book amongst the rumble.

" A book! This is worthless. You were supposed to become a weapon, not a mere book" they said annoyed tossing the book aside " At least your shell can be useful for something"

They had their men collect it while their leader just pocket the book that Tafu had become for the moment at least. Even if she had become something useless there must be something that they could do to profit off this unfortunate turn of events for them. They had just the two countries that could be useful in profiting off what remained of Tafu.

For the remains of the statue shell that once housed the book Tafu was turned into. There was a country where while the creation of sentient weapons had become lost to time. The practice of using the diamond like substance their everything else but their soul became. That was something that endured through the ages as sentient weapons could not be melted down and reforged at all. Anything made from those that could not become sentient weapons or the shells of those that could. That was a different story entirely. Those could be melted down and reforged but the practice was something that only a grandmaster weaponsmith was capable of doing at a level on par with those of the era where they were commonplace. Finding just a grandmaster was hard as they were capable of not just altering and repairing things like plain masters were. They could melt it down and then reforge into something new or create something new from the chuck of the diamond substance directly.

The country that Tafu's shell was sold to was one such country that had cornered the market on the known existing grandmaster of the weaponsmith arts. Thus when presented with the raw and high quality variety, said country jumped at the chance to get it for themselves. Making the leader quite a bit of money for themselves upon selling it to them directly.