Lutz 02

Though Lutz was unaware of the fact that he was understanding the exam to the Mage division academy fully seriously. He was constantly allowed to take it because he was actually and rather unknowingly serving as an example of how not to go about trying to hear. Those that see Lutz would think mainly one of two things amongst the many that could countless things that could be theorized through Lutz's actions.

The first one is that he is the primary example of how not to take the exam as despite having the innate talent and drive to join the mage division academy. What he lacks is the ambition and willingness to always strive to be better than everyone else at the cost of everything else. Though only when it is towards the goal of serving the mage division itself and does nothing to harm its image and/or legacy. Pretty much if it is possible within the confines of those two things then it is perfectly fine no matter what it is or who it might cause harm to in body or mind. This was the ruthless and cutthroat world they were trying to enter into and they would only ever be allowed in if they show at least this much ambition and willingness to the cause. The academy was not a place for learning how to become merely a mage of their division. It was expected that you came with at least that much to start with as you were learning how to replace your teachers and then constantly climbing the ladder to the top of the mage division. The framework was that there were always mages seeking more power and higher standing through training of others at a similar or slightly lower level to them.

The second thing was that they picked up on the fact that the mage division in reality was not what they expected it to be. The image that it gave off to those that are not exposed to it directly merely from afar is just the image that they want the people to see. That is the only thing they want them to see as they never show the true side of the mage division to those outside of where their bases and academies are located. If the mage division is one where it survival of the fitness and anything goes as long as it does not harm their image nor legacy. However, would those that realize this not attempt to spread it around so that everyone else not in their direct areas of bases or academies can know this? The answer is actually rather simple they did try...a lot and first. Anyone that attempts to harm the image of the mage division is considered a threat that does no matter who it is as the only thing that change is the matter in which they are dealt with. Those citizens of the kingdom that are still considered loyal to it are 'convinced' through various methods to stop the spread of what is deemed undesirable. It became something that they were so good at that no one would question when someone that say strange things about the mage division suddenly stopped or someone that did not get in decided to stay in whatever area the academy and/or base was in.

Lutz did not fall into any of these two categories and as a result, was just left alone as he was not realizing how the mage division truly was but also was not harming their image or legacy through his constant failures of trying to enter at all though. So he was allowed to serve as the message for those that could take a hint to pick one of the main two choices of how they were going to go about dealing with the reality of things.

Though after his lastest failure, Lutz once again would go to the library with the idea of getting a book that hopefully helps him in learning magic. He had the innate talent to do so but was aiming for the wrong masters/teachers. Since he did not leave the city in which the academy he was at was located, he could not be found by an actual master/teacher that would be able to teach him as he desired. Being that he was being used by the mage academy they could not even get close to him as they steered clear of anything related to the mage division after all. They could not change their country just steering clear of them to do their own thing. Attempting to do so already proved disastrous once already so things would be worse the next time around.

As Lutz was going to a book he was forced aside by a sudden gust of wind. One that made it so that he could do nothing as he passed out for a second from the strength of the wind used against him. No one seemed to care as they were not causing a mess or disturbing anyone else.

"Hey wannabe you need a book," a mage recruit said as they took the very book that he was aiming for themselves instead.

Lutz realized they were taking the book he had attempted to take first for himself.

"That was the…..*starts rubbing his head after being struck in the forehead by one*…did you have to throw it at me. *He then opens the book open* There's nothing in this book besides the intro" he said.

"Just like chances of entering the mage division academy. Take that book and learn that zero times zero is zero" the mage recuirt said laughing as they left.