Fallen world

"bzzzzzz bzzzz bzzz All the humans that are left a... live if anyone can hear me ... this is your general William code name DARK KNIGHT bzz... bzzz.... if... can hear me....celestial betra....s and they are ....mies.... I REPEAT CELESTIAL's ARE OUR ENEMY "

qin~ qin~ qin~

"Captain the radio lost the signal"

"fuck this shit! can't you do something"

" Carl, Damion, Mark, George, "

"can anyone answer me"

"Sorry sir! I'm afraid but I think we have lost their signal too"

Tu~ Tu~ Tu~

With the defeated expression on his face William was feeling frustrated and how the situation keeps getting worse with each mission

"lets move on"

A team of three started moving towards the giant gate that seemed to be touching the sky with no end the scenery was a bloody mess the rotten body of monsters were scraped all over the place and all the members of the team seemed to be gone through a lot of fights

the captain who has a missing arm due to the recent battle with a sky bulwark not only the captain but all the members of the team does not seem to be in a good condition.


A earthworm like creature with multiple heads jumped out from the ground towards the team with wide mouth



William slashed his blade across the creature with one hand and signalled his team to continue moving forward

"don't stop let's get moving we can't stay in one place for much longer"

"they betrayed us the very beginning we can only win by finding the as the last hope of humans"

"But captain isn't that a myth in the legend"

"myth or not... I will still take every chance to save my people"

"I don't care what happens I will do everything I can to help you captain" Said a youth with Gray hair

seeing the desire of his teammate William was regretting his decision to make them go through this hell but as a last bit of the leftover humans Someone has to take responsibility

humans were living peacefully until the intervention or simply invasion of the so-called helpers called Celestial, they offered many things to humans such as development, power, long lives, supernatural abilities and many more

but who knew it was all a trap to trick humans into upgrading their world it was just a simple update by the so called " laws of galaxy " according to them if the world reaches a predetermined threshold, it will be eligible for the upgrade that will enhance the world energies and open the path of immortality for humans

but as every opportunity comes with a certain threat the opportunity of being immortal comes with the threat to die at any moment

the moment the upgrade of the world ended all hell broke together land expanded as twice as the original earth and other species emerged god knows from where and started fighting for territory humans at first were at advantage due to Celestial people but later humans reached their limit and wasn't able to grow further than a certain point

later they understood the problem was their foundation that helped us to gain powers before the update but now the very same foundation was the cause of their loosing battle

"Captain you should see this"

Jake signalled William to see what's ahead of them

"holy fuck!" mike gasped on the sight before him where a bloody mess of a body was laying down near a statue of giants

"Jake, come quick take out the med kits and use everything you can, he is still alive" Captain William who was observing near the body suddenly shouted the man was injured by various wounds, his face could not be recognised due to being flayed skin around his face, marks of fighting can be seen on the scene the body was of a man in his 70's with unkept hair and a spear along with him

"What the" mike was surprised again to find out that after all these injuries this man can still be saved after losing all the signs of life"

"Captain how do you know he doesn't seem to be alive even his skin is rotting " mike was curious about this strange man and how William can find out that he is still alive

"See that necklace in his neck, it's the sickle of Chronos " William who was having a serious face and thinking where in the world he last saw the same necklace

"Chronos? ….captain, you aren't joking? are you?" seeing a grim reaper holding the scythe as necklace Jake was taken aback how can someone be so cruel to oneself as a doctor he knew the artifact name "sickle of Chronos" it binds the soul of the wearer to the body and delays the death of the person no matter how severe the wound is the wearer cannot die until the said targets soul get damaged to a certain extent and the price of using this artifact is that the soul will keep on burning until the user's soul itself disappear

"He seemed to went through a lot captain, probably the torture he went through is inhumane " Jake as the medic of the team concluded seeing the state of this half dead body but still, he was wondering why someone will willingly stay alive even after going through a torture like this he skin was flayed nails were plucked and toes were smashed, and he had cuts all over his body

"Just treat him, we will find out soon" William was curious too as he knew if someone went through a torture like this, it probably means he knew a lot of information and it can be a great help seeing the current situation of humanity.

Jake started mending his wounds and bandaging each and every part that can be healed he cut off the skin around the thighs to cover his flayed part of the face and used a lot of healing potions he had "I'm done captain, I did what i could "

the moment the injured man wa fed with potions the necklace turned into dust and the man sounded hoarsely 

"agh! wh...who?... who are you people"

just as the Jake finished with the treatment the injured man who seemed to be on the deathbed groaned in a hoarse voice spooked the hell out of him and Jake fell on his back hitting his butt on the ground again

"easy doc we still need you" mike said while helping Jake to stand up

William walked near the injured man who seemed to be losing his life by any minute

"Th..thanks" the injured man who doesn't has its eyes open said while facing William with closed eyes

(an expert)Seeing the injured man looking at him without opening his eyes William was surprised and thinking about this mysterious expert

"I'm William Vanko, Code named BLACK HORSE the general of human regiment battalion 6778, and i would like to know who might you be?" William introduced himself as such in order to show he is on humanities side and an official of human society

"I'm commander Roy Ashwon Raven" the injured man said looking at William


the team of three suddenly yelled the name and kneeled on the ground with one knee and holding their heads down

" we apologise for misbehaviour Sir Raven please forgive us!!"

The team of three said in the unison and still holding their heads down without moving an inch the name of the Raven family was famous through out the world even the other races were afraid of the Raven family

"Co~ cough~ be at ease"

"we don't have much time captain the situation is getting worse now" Jake was using a device to monitor Roy's condition according to the device he was losing his vitality and in probably few minutes will lose his life

"cough~ let's not prolong my death don't waste your supplies on an old hag like me" Roy smiled slightly knowing his death is near he looked around and finally looked at his spear

"Cadet William " Roy looked at the man in front of him kneeling on the ground holding one hand on his knee and performing the knight bow in respect

"yes Sir!" William with respect

"do you dare to take on a mission" Roy asked with a resolute tone

"I'll do anything for the sake of humanity sir" William was ready to sacrifice himself at the words of the man Infront of him because Roy Ashwon Raven was someone who sacrificed his whole family for the sake of humanity and knew he might have to sacrifice everything if Roy ordered him too


Roy started making hand signs and energy around him started changing as his hands moved in different signs the void was tearing apart and a box like object came out of the void floating towards William resting in his hand

"Take this with you, protect this with your life if you have too don't lose it to anyone... don't trust anyone .. this is the last hope of humanity... don't repeat…the same mistake ….as I did.... don't…." with fading voice Roy took his last breath

"Captain, we lost him…." Jake said while looking at the monitoring device in his hand

"I know" William was having mixed feelings because after the box appeared in his hands there was a surge of information in his mind any person with the sane mind will not be able to believe after knowing the information about this seemingly ordinary looking box

"So, it was true" William mumbled in a low voice and was in a complete disbelieve knowing what was in his hands.

As the raven said it was really the last hope of humanity



User can travel in the time and space to go back in the past, present or future

Usage - 1 remaining

Divine - ????





So we really have a hope…