Round 2: Start

Cassandra and Julian got through their fights with ease. All the heroes involved did. With ease, The Maximos, The Stones, the remaining Battlestorms and Lumps all got through their fights without any issues. Arianna ruthlessly battered her opponent and almost got disqualified, but was accepted into the second round against Fiorella. Gisella, on the other hand, was eliminated by Zee, and Rodrick easily dispatched Gam.

The sixteen remaining players sat in the hotel basement where they signed up, with Gam, Siena, Gavin and Gisella allowed in too. Roxanne expected cameras or interviewers or something, but the room was empty aside from them. On the wooden table was some food and light refreshments. Some alcohol, too. Didn't look cheap, either. Gold flakes on the bottle with a font so cursive Roxanne couldn't even read the logo. But that was complemented by cans of cheap booze one could get basically anywhere, including that brand that caused her and Willow to make out.

"So did Zach set this up?" Capri asked, leaning back with her legs on the coffee table.

"He funded it, but it was my idea." Rodrick replied calmly. "Think of it as a small show of goodwill."

"Goodwill?" Siena replied while pointing her fingers to the ceiling for some reason, in a way that very much wasn't scripted.

"For the games, and the Skyspace as a whole." Rodrick nodded as he poured himself a drink. "After all, we all share the goal of protecting it."

Everyone involved decided to take some snacks. Some chose to avoid alcohol entirely, but not Cassandra. Samuel challenged her to see who could hold their drinks best, which Ryland and Caoimhe joined in on. Samuel was out after three drinks, so Adebayo just sat him in the corner against Julian's bear. Caoimhe was out next after several more drinks, and Ryland was just enjoying himself even though he was incredibly drunk. He was just happily babbling to himself as he slumped onto the table. Everyone else was engaged in casual conversation, with the exception of Rodrick. Brooding alone in a corner sipping some kind of juice. So, with her own juice in hand, Roxanne shuffled into his vicinity.

"You not talking?" She asked.

Rodrick brought his cup to his lips and started whispering into the cup.

"I'm just observing." Rodrick replied.

Roxanne observed with him. Cassandra was casually drinking surrounded by empty cans, several of which were crushed. Julian and Fiorella were making snide comments at whatever Luca was talking about. The Kerobons were showing Adebayo and Siena magic tricks involving cards and getting them stuck in the ceiling. It didn't look like there was a part after that. Luca was telling some story to his new friend while Gavin stood next to him with a bored expression on his face. All the while, Willow was talking to Cheng and Adrianna. Willow was nodding along to what Cheng was saying, looking okay as she did so, while Adrianna was drooping pretty hard.

"Sorry if this sounds invasive, but what do you know about Willow's alcohol tolerance?"

"It's…not the best." Roxanne replied slowly, as the memories of that night crept back into her conscious.

"I see." Rodrick nodded while rubbing his chin with his free hand. "Sorry, but do you mind going to them and seeing what's happening?"

Roxanne did as he asked, going over to the three of them. Willow was taking casual sips of what she was drinking, while Adrianna placed an assuring hand on her shoulder with a pained expression in her eyes before going next to Ryland on the couch, lying on it with her hand draped over head like some kind of classical painting. Roxanne decided to just avert her eyes over towards Cheng. He didn't try to look better, and he was still in the same dishevelled outfit from his first fight. But his smile widened when Roxanne stepped into his personal frame. And in contrast to the rest of his appearance, his smile seemed great. Genuine with all his perfectly white teeth perfectly maintained.

"Ah, miss Roxanne!" He announced, putting his cup down to put both of his hands in her free hand to shake it. "I'm so sorry I couldn't meet you sooner!"

"Oh, it's no problem." Roxanne replied as she tried prying her hand away from the forceful shake. For a guy with skinnier arms than her, his grip was shockingly strong. "Not like I tried meeting you either."

"Oh, yeah you didn't." Cheng nodded slowly while removing his grip. "So, anyway. What were you and Rodrick talking about?"

Straight to that, huh?

"Basically nothing." Roxanne said calmly, taking a swig of the last of her alcohol.

"Well, you see." Willow added with a confident hand on her shoulder. "Roxanne happens to be a single lady looking for love. You get me?"

"Very well. Maybe the two of us could look out for each other when it comes to love. I've heard great things about men and women of Fightston!" Cheng said. His smile was widening.

"Well, maybe?" Roxanne asked, trying to find more at the bottom of her cup.

"I'm just asking if we could go…babe hunting together. Because I get the feeling you don't find me especially compatible."

"I can't say I do." Roxanne nodded, exhanging nervous glances with Arianna and Willow.

"Same with you, Willow of Vannana. I don't see us working out long term."

"Yeah, I can think of a few reasons we wouldn't." Willow nodded solemnly.

Roxanne tried focusing on Cheng's smiling face, but her focus was blurring ever so slightly. She shook herself awake, but he was still out of focus.

"Hey, Willow? I think I'll go to bed early." Roxanne sighed, trying her best not to look intoxicated, leaving her cup on the nearest table. Willow nodded as she left the room.

"Hey, need a refill?" She asked Cheng.

"Oh, yes, actually." Cheng nodded with so much enthusiasm Willow was almost convinced his head was gonna snap off. He handed her his cup, and she went over to pour the drinks, where Rodrick was still standing in the shadows.

"So, what kind of booze you got us?" Willow asked as she poured herself a drink.

"The standard." Rodrick replied casually. "Got it all from a few stores here."

"And nothing was tampered with?"

"Not a thing."

"Interesting." Willow said with two cups in hand.

Roxanne woke up with a pounding headache. She felt like she had been asleep for a thousand years, the inside of her mouth felt like no liquid had ever entered it, and the early morning sun was burning her skin. First day of round two, and she had her first hangover to demonstrate to the audience. Great.

She ate a bowl of granola and waited around her until everything felt slightly more bearable. Just as she was beginning to feel like herself, she was called to enter the main arena.

"And welcome, everybody, to the first round of the day!" The announcer yelled out, as enthusiastic as yesterday. "Coming in now, the girl who surprised us all by making it two round two. I'd tell her to break a leg, but she's got that covered! Everybody welcome Roxanne Nolastname!"

Roxanne stepped out, waving to the fans she apparently gained. She just hoped she didn't disappoint them too hard.

"And next up, Cheng Tse! A man with no background and no weapons! But truly, mystery never had such a smile!"

Cheng stepped in, standing perfectly still.


Roxanne started running again. Her bad leg was hurting, but she knew she wasn't winning this. All she had to do was figure out just what this Cheng guy was capable of.

Cheng was walking towards her casually, arms outstretched like he wanted a hug. Roxanne landed a solid punch to his face. He recoiled, took a step back to collect himself, and for a brief second, his smile faded.

But just as quick as the smile left, it was back, directed fully towards Roxanne. He stretched his left hand outwards, and against her better judgement, Roxanne kicked it with the metal leg.

Quick as a flash, Cheng took a knife out of the front pocket of his jacket. It was Roxanne's turn to step back, but he turned the knife towards himself, plunging it into his bandaged left arm.

The entire arena fell silent as Cheng covered his arm before the bleeding started. Roxanne looked at him, his smile still there, before her arm started to twitch.

Just as quick, she felt a stabbing pain in her own left arm. She felt the knife go through it, and the sensation of bleeding. She looked at her hand through the disorienting haze that emerged in her eyes, and it was fine.

Cheng plunged the knife into his leg, and Roxanne felt it from inside her broken leg. She fell to her knee as the pain worsened. The sensation of the fake bleeding against her prosthetic. She vomited on the ground as tears filled her eyes.

"I…I give up…." She meekly squeaked out.

"Care to repeat that?" Cheng asked casually, leaning in.

"I said I give up!" Roxanne screamed out in a fever. She felt her body getting hotter, and more vomit building up inside her. When suddenly, the pain caught up with her, and she fell unconsious in the arena.