Webnovel - The Ancient Fire-Dragon's Eye - Chapter 1: Poor Talent

Fallen Stars Mainland, Blue Water Martial Academy.

A shout of frustration echoed in the heavens. A wound of failure constantly widened.


3 days ago.

"Dad, I am still stuck in Level One, Lower Realm after 3 years of constant training. I don't think this path of martial arts is one I should tread. I'm just a damn failure." Gu Taixu said with a sigh.

"Don't say that son! You not a failure! You're ....well.....You're just...not .....too good".

"Not that good!" A group of students who overheard the conversation jeered, snickered then ran away.

"Ignore them, Taixu'er, you're good growing into a man. You cannot speak that way! Arduous training will yield result eventually." Gu Zhong affirmed.

"Keep that in mind, son. Don't let your circumstances in the present keep you from forging ahead." Gu Yin asserted.

"Alright, Mum. I'll keep trying. Thanks Dad."

"Goodbye for now, my warrior. A true warrior never quits. Get some courage into yourself young man.", his father, Gu Zhong said with a friendly nudge.

Gu Taixu smiled for the first time in a while as he waved goodbye to them.

For a few moments, he stood transfixed, staring into space.

Although with a tougher body structure and better strength than a mortal, his age, at the martial academy, where strength and influence speaks volumes, Gu Taixu lacking both and is regarded as a failure. His peers have long surpassed him with a minimum of one tier. He is an object of sympathy and mockery as a result of his poor talent but he refuses to bend to failure. Does he defeat fate?