Webnovel - A.F.D.E. - Chapter 11 - Meeting People

"I am not a beginner," Gu Taixu said in a low tone.

Li Youlian smirked. "Then, what's a Level 1?"

"That's by the way." Gu Taixu said and then added, "Besides, what's on the 3rd floor?"

"Go on and check it yourself, will you?" Li Youlian replied.

"You can't go up to the third floor except you're an inner disciple." Chen Yilin announced.


"The Depository of Scriptures will tell you better." Li Tianyi said.

"Ah! Then I'll better get there now. I might enter taboo locations without knowing."

"Alright then, I see you around, right?"

"Okay." Gu Taixu said, walking away.

"What an annoying little peasant." Li Youlian remarked contemptuously, "I detest the fact that I wear the same uniform as him."

"You better change the attitude, Youlian."Li Tianyi said, "you're no more daddy's spoilt little daughter."

"You don't know who you may anger and you'll be unable to bear it." Chen Yilin added.

Li Youlian smirked as she said, "Thanks for the totally lame advice but I believe I know my limits." The group walked away.

Gu Taixu, now outside the Martial Library proceeded to the Depository of Scriptures.

"Immediately I get back, I will try to increase my cultivation. I won't be looked down like that again." He murmured.

Thinking about the skills, he was yet to master, he reassured himself. He entered into the three storeyed pagoda and was in for quite a surprise. He saw few of the disciples in green robes. His guess was that they were the high and mighty inner disciples. He was right and they had quite a contemptuous expression. Some other disciples wore white robes. Gu Taixu guessed them to be doorkeepers but they were quite young which made him perplexed. They consisted of 4 males and one female.

As he moved closer, he noticed that they had an inscription "Fan Shu disciples" on their left side while the academy's badge on the chest region. There was no hindrance or checking so he moved freely. Unknown to him, he had been scanned by an invisible personality at the gate. Entering in, he was astonished as the books which although looked ancient but were preserved to withstand the time. They were in neatly arranged glass tablets. The students in white acted as receptionists, showing the incoming students the way around. One of them, a male who looked about eighteen came towards him. He was quite short but stocky and stout with a muscular build of a body builder. He had an arrogant expression on his face on seeing Gu Taixu as he marched solidly towards him.

"Hey, newbie," he called out, "what are you here for?". Ignoring the contempt in his voice, Gu Taixu answered,

"To collect some information."

"The first and second floors are open to you to search for whatever you are searching for, but don't get to the third floor or you will be sorry." He said, walking away. At this point, Gu Taixu had already gotten used to arrogant behaviour. He merely shrugged his shoulders and proceeded in. After about twenty minutes of researching through the 2 floors open to him, Gu Taixu concluded. This depository did not have any martial art techniques but was a reservoir of knowledge and history about the Jinshua continent especially the Western Parts which he was in. As a young master, he was naturally not ignorant of these facts but here it was greatly detailed. He had to confess, this sect's history's compilations were much better than even those at the Gu Clan. These were all in the second floor. The first floor contained books outlining the rules and regulations of the sect. Gu Taixu put all this in his memory. It also had maps illustrating the location of different buildings in the sect. He even saw a map, though not very detailed but himoneyed the entire Chu Zhou Province!

The first floor had books that listed some peculiarities of the Profound Martial Academy. Here Gu Taixu got to know that his identity card was also like a modern ATM card. Some skill books, techniques, weapons and information could only be assessed by respective students only when they have the corresponding contribution points or coins. Although some valuable items could be bought with money, some antiques and high grade tools could be bought with achievement points. This was to strike a balance between the rich and the poorer students. To a point, achievement points could be used as money within the academy. There was also an exchange rate....

Gu Taixu read on.

After about three to four hours, Gu Taixu rose from his seat and stretched,

"It's almost sundown, I should be going by now."

He walked back to the outer disciples' area. Suddenly, he felt a huge thump on his back, so hard that he staggered forward, only stabilizing after about five steps. He hurriedly spun to meet an angry face.

"Hey, can't you are watch while you walk." The boy said bawling his fists.

"Really," Gu Taixu said flabbergasted, "It should be..."

"Oh! What do you mean by talking back to me? Do you think I'm you peer or your playmate in the meadow?" He cuts in seriously annoyed.

Speechless by the incredulous scene before him, he took a second and proper look at the boy. He looked somewhat between 17 and 20. He had a muscular and tallbody structure. He looked callously dangerous even in his blue robes. His eyebrows were slamming into each other as he confronted Gu Taixu. He was only an outer disciple, Gu Taixu thought, heaving a sigh, so why the arrogance. Unwilling to apologise for the accusation levelled against him, he faced off his assailant.

"I will overlook this matter because I see your face for the first time. Now, humbly kneel," he said smiling wickedly, "and knock your head on the ground while you apologise!"

Boundlessly arrogant! Gu Taixu exclaimed within. Even Qin Jiushang didn't get to this level. Gu Taixu faked a smile and then asked,

"For what reason?"

"What! For the reason that... that... that I am Wu Chou. Now be quick and stop your questions!" He growled releasing his martial aura. Gu Taixu's left eye twitched continuously exuding a pressure to counter the aura while assessing. Wu Chou's cultivation level. Finally ascertained, it communicated to him from the soul level.

Level 3 Lower Tier!

If it was the former Gu Taixu, he would have trembled from fear and pressure but rather, he had a wild plan. His mind moved rapidly to his space ring, ready to unleash his terrifying fire talisman at a slight deviation. Under the neutralised pressure, Gu Taixu smiled lightly as he said,

"What if I don't?"

On hearing this, the already enraged Wu Chou reached his climax.

"He-he, then I will show you your place in the dust with the strength of a Level 3 martial artist!" Hardly saying the last word in his sentence, Wu Chou stomped his feet and punched out wildly like an enraged gorilla. Then suddenly, a male in silk robes flew over. He moved so fast, that Gu Taixu thought he must have appeared. Just a gust if wind and he was there. His sword was already stretched out as he promptly waved it rowards Wu Chou. Realising it too late, Wu Chou tried to retract his energy.


The momentum of the two attack techniques collided and both the winner and loser was evident. Wu Chou stomped several steps backwards and spat a mouthful of blood as he shouted.

"Sneak attack!"

The male who was responsible stood with his back to Gu Taixu at the moment stood steadily.

"You haven't stopped bullying the newbies, haven't you? You refuse to learn right?" The male said with a smile, "how about I teach you your place in the dust right now, Wu Chou?" He asked in a serious tone as he pointed his sword towards him.

Feeling the battle intent in the air, Wu Chou shrank back into his shell. Recoiling, he berated,

"Fu Jian, prance around for now, when I get to the Peak Tier, I'll see where you'll run to his from me. And you, brat, trust me when I say I'll get you another time." He said skeetering away.

"By then I'll be much higher that you." Fu Jian retorted.

This is a bigger world, Gu Taixu thought. At age 17 or 18 one could be in the Level 3 of the Foundational Realm. The youth before him seemed even younger than that age range. At the sect that would be impossible but here it is before him. No one in the clan had broken through to the second level apart from their Head Guard, Gu Tian and the previous family head whose location was unknown. But here, these personalities were squabbling outer disciples.

"Hello there," Gu Taixu said amiably, "Thanks for your help." Fu Jian finally turned to face Gu Taixu. He was tall with long black hair that was held up with a pin. He had a feminine face like a fox demon.