The school's Library

Charlotte was finally at the school library, she had already picked a book to read and felt like sleeping on the school library's desk, and within a second she dozed off.

"Hey Charlotte!" said Caleb and he woke her up gently

"What?" said Charlotte half sleep and she raised her head up slightly

"Break is over!" said Caleb softly

"Oh Caleb, thanks for waking me up." said Charlotte after she caught sight of him and she left the school library together with Caleb. They already outside walking down to their classes.

"You didn't go for break, what happened?" asked Caleb, he broke the silence

"Nothing!" replied Charlotte drily

"It's unlike you though. I saw your friend Vivian at the school cafeteria and was surprised to see only her there. so what happened Charlotte. Are you guys fighting?" asked Caleb inquisitive

"Not at all!" said Charlotte

"Humm." mumbled Caleb unconvinced

"Nothing Caleb, I need to go inside now." said Charlotte hurriedly and she entered her classroom

"Uhmmmmm okay." replied Caleb abruptly and he turned to his classroom.

After some hours, the school had closed for the day and Charlotte went home without Vivian, she was still moody and didn't talk to her friend because of the second position she had in tests and Vivian was wondering what could have caused Charlotte being moody throughout the lesson class. It was already midnight at Charlotte's house and everyone was asleep. Charlotte was sitting down comfortably on the floor studying her homework and suddenly she heard a noise and she turned her attention towards the bed and whispered gently

"Debbie!" called Charlotte gently

"Charlotte, you scared me! what are you still doing up till now?" asked Deborah, she stood up from the bed gently and was surprised at her little sister still studying at late hours

"Oh am sorry Debbie, am actually studying though." replied Charlotte softly

"Really." said Deborah stunned

"Yes." replied Charlotte

"Have you guys started exams?" asked Deborah

"No, actually I am just preparing ahead!" replied Charlotte

"But you didn't prepare ahead like this before and yet you passed well in your results." said Deborah softly

"Uhmn, you're right Debbie, but there is this guy in my school now. He has taken over my position in class, also my tests in class and I can't allow him take over my exams too." said Charlotte

"Oh really, you never told me all this while." said Deborah sympathetic

"It's has been so annoying ever since he stepped foot inside my school. He has taken over my first position in class. Now I am in second, which is not supposed to be." said Charlotte sobbed

"It's okay Charlotte." Deborah drew closer to her and patted her shoulder tenderly "Don't cry Charlotte, all you need is to be yourself and study hard and don't be too hard on yourself babygirl," said Deborah softly and hugged her tenderly

"Thanks Debbie!" said Charlotte brightened up, she had really wanted someone to encourage now which her sister had just did to her now

"So wipe your tears away. This is what will happen Charlotte, anytime you're less busy in school, go to the school library and study while others are playing you can be reading." said Deborah thoughtfully

"I think you're right Debbie. I will stop going to Vivian's house for now." said Charlotte agreed

"Yes that's it dear. You know Vivian doesn't have anything to lose, they're rich people and she can study anywhere she likes but you there's no one to fund your education. So Sis use your head well." chuckled Debbie and Charlotte laughed silently and thought of what her sister just said to her

"Thanks for the advice Debbie, I will adhere to it." said Charlotte pleased with the idea her sister made cleared to her

"So let's go and sleep now. That's enough for today Charlotte. You can continue tomorrow in class." said Deborah softly and Charlotte joined her on bed instantly.

The following day at school, Charlotte was in the school library, reading one of the past essay for the last competition they had with the previous seniors who had passed out from the school.

"Here you are, have been looking for you!" said Princess smiling sheepishly at Adam, Charlotte was perplexed to seen Adam sitting in the school library studying quietly alone

"This guy again. No way!" said Charlotte quietly "Ignore him Charlotte and faced your work." said Charlotte to herself "I won't allow you to take my first position anymore." swear Charlotte quietly and she continued studying the book on her hands

"Princess I don't need disturbance here. What do you want?" asked Adam rudely

"I'm sorry to disturb you, I only came to check if you're okay." said Princess cautiously

"Okay? Did I tell you am not okay." chuckled Adam at her hilarious statement on him

"That's not what I meant. I mean I have not been seeing you at the school cafeteria for lunch. I guess you've been skipping lunch." said Princess concerned

"Oh I see, am okay and nothing is wrong, as you can see am reading and can you please excuse me now." said Adam indifferently

"Jeez!" mumbled Princess quietly and she left his presence disappointedly

After a while, Adam had already left the library and Charlotte had stood up to leave for her class, she spotted Adam at a corner with a young woman that could be on her late thirties. Charlotte paused for a second and thought to hide at the corner of the building in order to listen to their conversation

"I'm here for the parents meeting since you know your own father's busy." said his step mother arrogantly

"Thank you ma'am." said Adam gently, he knew he didn't come because of the parents meeting, he pretended to play along with her.

"I guess that's his mother," thought Charlotte inwardly and hide quietly to listen to what his mother will say concerning him

"And don't think I'm lenient with you now. let's see if you'll passed your results here and fly to America you have been dreaming about. I will make sure you don't go anywhere apart from here." said his, step mother with her gritting teeth "You think you can own your father's company huh while am still alive let's watch and see." hissed his step mother and she brushed him away roughly and Adam nearly fall down but he quickly hold himself.