Chapter 18.2 - Small but not small help

It was early morning, the sun still tucked behind the horizon, casting a gentle golden hue across the academy grounds. The cool breeze played with the strands of Maya Evergreen's hair as she strolled along, a handful of chip packets clutched in her hand. With each step, she crunched on the chips contentedly, a carefree smile lighting up her face.

"Hmm... Hmm..."

Her humming mingled with the sound of her snack, creating a strangely harmonious melody that only the morning birds and the occasional early riser could hear. Her enjoyment was evident as if she had found the secret to perfect mornings: chips and solitude.

As she walked, she glanced around, her sharp eyes taking in the tranquil scene. The campus was quiet, most students still wrapped in slumber. Maya's leisurely pace continued until a thought crossed her mind.

"As expected, waking up early is the best... Especially with chips..."