Chapter 19.3 - Before the dungeon

'Sigh…' Ethan sighed to himself as he started walking to the entrance of the academy. The last week had been fairly stressful for him since he watched the footage of the monsters running rampant in Nexoria City after the attack.

'How strong those monsters were….Even that amount of hunters was not enough to stop them.' Watching the footage, he understood one simple thing. Being a hunter and awakened was a blessing.

He saw non-awakened people getting massacred by the monsters until the hunters helped. They were completely helpless and couldn't do anything against the strong.

However, being awakened didn't mean Hunters were unbeatable. No, rather than that, he saw hunters on the verge of dying countless times, and at that moment, he understood why her father and her siblings would always say being a hunter was not as easy and cool as it looked. 

'Without the effort and strength, being awakened is meaningless.'