Chapter 26.1 - Small Time

After the incident inside the dungeon occurred, the classes were canceled for the whole week.

Considering quite a lot of cadets almost lost their lives, the academy was bound to make explanations to the furious parents.

Also, the powers out there that wanted to control the growing influence of Arcadia Hutner Academy wouldn't stay idle either.

Therefore, the management team of the academy needed to put some results, and they were investigating for such cause right now. This time, demon followers shot their bullet, and now they lost their momentum because of this investigation.

Of course, from the game, I know the fact that this investigation won't reveal much. The real perpetrators of this incident will stay hidden since the ones that would be found sabotaging were nothing but tools.

This was how the demon followers operated. Blackmailing, kidnapping, impersonating….In the end, the academy and the government would stab themselves back.