Chapter 57.2 - We do a little bit of 'shopping'

"This one would look great on you!"

Inside one of the clothing shops of the academy, the red-haired girl exclaimed while holding up a sleek black shirt.

Astron eyed the shirt skeptically but took it from her, deciding to humor her.

He disappeared into the changing room and emerged a moment later, donning the black shirt. Irina examined him with a critical gaze, nodding approvingly.

"See? I told you! It suits you well," Irina said a triumphant grin on her face.

Astron simply sighed, not bothering to argue. Irina was on a mission, and he had a feeling it wouldn't end anytime soon.

'Sigh….Why did I misspoke?'

He himself knew it was his own decision that brought them here. Well, saying that was a decision was actually wrong since, in reality, he just mumbled about buying clothes.

"You want to buy clothes!"