
Sheree writhed and moaned in ecstasy as Elliot's lips worked their way down her neck. She was lying in his bed pinned beneath him as he punished her with his mouth. He had her arms trapped above her head, held tight in the powerful grip of his left hand. His right hand pinched the stiff nipple of her left breast as his mouth slowly approached.

"You deserve this don't you?" He asked her before kissing her collarbone. She shuddered as pleasure invaded her senses.

"Yes, I deserve it," Sheree responded through heavy gasps.

"Yeah, you do. Who do you belong to?" He asked before his tongue began to move down her breast, leaving a shiny trail that pointed to her chocolate colored nipple.

"I belong to you," She said. Saying that aloud turned her on even more.

"And what's my name?" He asked before his teeth raked her nipple.

"Elliot!" She said through a loud moan.

"Sheree," he responded.

"Oh Elliot," she said, loving the way his name felt on her lips.

"SHEREE!" He screamed and startled her.

Suddenly she was alone and staring at her pillow. She had been dreaming. She looked up and saw Elliot sitting on the edge of his bed. Anger danced in his eyes like flames from the mouth of a dragon.

She remembered now that she had fallen asleep wishing he was beside her. She faced him, even though he had turned his back on her. He was as mad at her as he had ever been since they'd met 5 months ago. Back then though she wasn't having sex dreams about him. That dream was intense. I'm still turned on, she thought to herself as she positioned her arm to hide her rock hard nipples.

"What did you mean, it was just an experiment?" Elliot asked her, not seeming to notice or care that she was aroused.

"I was trying to see if our.... connection is strictly between us. There was nothing romantic about it," Sheree responded.

"Why does that matter?" Elliot asked as he stood up and put on his training pants and boots.

"It matters because it gives us choices. We don't have to be stuck with each other," she said and wished she could pull the word stuck back out of the air.

"What sucks is that I was really happy being stuck with you," Elliot emphasized the word stuck, before he walked out of the room carrying his shirt in his hand.

Sheree sat in the quiet room and scolded herself for her sudden inability to speak. She decided then that she wasn't going to class that day.

Elliot put his training shirt on in the hall before leaving the dorm. He wasn't sure where he was going, but class wasn't an option. He wandered the campus grounds until he came upon a bulletin board. There were different colored flyers announcing different social events. What had caught his attention though was the bright red hair of the girl on the missing poster. Mariah Silvers was her name and she was only 18. She was a telepath like Sheree, but she was D6 rank. Elliot slowly shook his head as he walked away from the bulletin board. She really was missing. That still didn't mean she had been taken though. She could've just run off. Elliot didn't want, or need, more things to worry about. He continued walking and Sheree's face flashed in his mind and reignited the fire in his heart. She actually kissed that jerk. That was our thing. Why did she have to go that far for her dumb experiment? Why wasn't he enough for her? He wanted to hit something. He thought about going into the woods, but it was suicide to go in there alone.

"I heard that the meteor we all get our powers from is somewhere inside the dungeon," a familiar voice said.

Elliot looked around and saw a group of students walking with a professor across the campus grounds. It was the tour they gave the new students.

"That is partially true. Henry's meteorite did land inside of the mountain and create what we now know as the dungeon. All the pieces of the meteorite are gone though," The professor said and continued the tour.

Elliot was about to turn and head back toward his dorm when he saw him. He stood a head taller than the rest of the crowd and his long silky hair blew wildly in the breeze. Elliot started in Just Josh's direction without hesitation. He wasn't sure what was going to happen when he reached him, but he had to talk to him. Just Josh was in the rear of the group when he walked up behind him. He grabbed his forearm and spun the handsome bastard around. The group he was with kept walking and didn't seem to notice he was no longer with them. Just Josh's face was full of surprise and anger until he saw Elliot.

"Oh, hey Elliot....," he said as the shock left his face.

It turned out that Elliot wasn't in a talking mood. He threw a right jab directly at Just Josh's face. The punch missed over Just Josh's left shoulder by a few inches. The air behind Elliots fist made a small popping sound.

"What's going on, right now?" Just Josh said as he glided away from another jab.

Elliot didn't have the words to express himself as he attacked. He roared like a rabid beast and threw a right and then a left hook at Just Josh's head. Both of the punches missed as Just Josh easily avoided them. He wasn't prepared for their after effects though. The crackling trail of energy that followed the left hook hit Just Josh in the face and left black scorch marks across his nose and eyes.

"What the hell!" He screamed just before a solid wall of wind slammed into Elliot and threw him several feet backward. He lay flat on his back slightly dazed as Just Josh rose several feet into the air on a geyser of wind.

"This is about that kiss, huh? Well if it's a beating you want, then so be it," Just Josh said casually, before speeding down and landing on Elliot's chest with both feet.

Elliot threw his arms up to brace for the stomp, just in time to cover his chest with his forearms. The impact from the collision sounded like an explosion. The force Just Josh had exerted met the force Elliot's body naturally exerted, and propelled both of the boys apart. Elliot slid on his back across the rough stone ground until a wall stopped his movement. He wasn't sure where Just Josh was, but the pain coursing through his abdomen made him not care. He dragged himself back to his dorm room. He barely made it into his room before he collapsed.