
"This is like when both players choose the same character in a video game," Albert said to Elliot as they watched from the crowd.

His statement was true. Sheree and Caree looked like mirror images standing across from each other on the mat. They both wore the black and red training uniform of the telepath class and had their hair pulled into a single long braid.

"Wow, there's really two of them. I guess you didn't have to get all jealous after all," Josh said from behind Elliot and Albert.

"Cram it, before I turn this match into a double feature," Albert said without turning to face Josh.

"Elliot, I think that small child beside you is saying something, what's that little man, you want me to pick you up and put you on my shoulders so you can see the fight?" Josh asked, teasing Albert's height.

"Both of you guys need to just relax. Work it out on the mat after the match for all I care, but right now, it needs to stop," Elliot said in an authoritative tone no one beside Sheree had ever heard from him. He was nervous about the match, and he knew that Sheree was too. The last thing he needed was a fight in the audience to distract her further.

"Yeah, because You're already on my shit list, Jacob or whatever the hell your name is, don't get hurt for distracting my girl too," Rayne said and stared into his gray eyes.

The similarities between their names had caused some buzz, while anyone who saw Caree created even more. Sheree took part in the curiosity surrounding the fight as well. She felt like something was off with this Caree girl, and she planned to get the answer from her. This girl couldn't actually be related to her, could she? The similarities were too dominant for it to be coincidental, though. She was even a telepath. If she did turn out to be her sister, what would that mean for them moving forward? Could they have a relationship? If they did, would it be a good one? The thoughts flooded her mind as she stood eye to eye with this girl.

Caree didn't show any sign that she cared in any way about Sheree. In fact, the only time she displayed any emotion at all was when she saw Elliot. Her face was a blank canvas as she stared at Sheree, though.

Is this what I do to people? "Sheree thought as the referee approached them. He raised his hand and said fight before backing away.

"Beat her ass Sheree!" Rayne yelled over the murmuring crowd.

Both girls appeared to have the same thought as they extended their right arms and attempted to simply throw the other off the mat. Instead of moving each other, both girls sent a visible electrical charge running up their own arms. Sheree pulled her arm back and shouted in pain as the blue current of electricity danced along her arm. A collective 'whoa' went through the crowd at that moment. Elliot's mouth fell open in shock at the sight.

What was that, she wondered before trying it again.When Sheree extended her right arm the second time, blue sparks popped out of her hand before it began to sizzle. She jerked it back and clutched it in her left. Gray smoke rose from her scorched hand. Caree didn't attempt to move her a second time. The second time Sheree extended her arm, she closed the distance between them with clenched fists. Seconds after Sheree's failed attack Caree's right fist connected with her exposed jaw. The punch was so hard it snapped Sheree's head to the right and made her dizzy. She tried to throw up her hands and block a second punch, but she was too slow. Caree threw a second punch just after the first. A heavy left hook that was aimed perfectly at Sheree's chin. The punch sent Sheree to her left before she fell to her knees. As she tried to collect herself Caree's right knee smashed into her nose.

Blood, spit, and Sheree's agonized shriek flew into the air as her head shot backward. She fell flat on her back. She was confused and terrified, and her wide, watery eyes told everyone in attendance she was defeated. She searched the mat with her arms, for what, even she wasn't sure. Caree walked slowly over to her with a barbarous grin on her face. Sheree frantically tried to come up with a solution to her problem. All she had to do was get off the mat, and the fight would end. She moved her arms and felt the edge of the mat to her left. WIth Caree standing over her, she rolled to her left as hard as she could. She knew her nose was broken, her head burned like an inferno, her vision was blurred, and pain still coursed through her right arm and hand. She just wanted it all to be over. The audience roared at the action.

"Get up Sheree, you can beat this fake lookalike bitch!" Rayne yelled again.

Before she could roll off the mat she felt Caree's grip on her braid. Then she was being dragged away from the edge. She kicked her feet and pulled at the braid herself, hoping to break free. It was hopeless as Caree dragged her into the center of the mat with ease. She was strong, maybe too strong. That might have been why her punches hurt so bad, Sheree thought as Caree let go of her.

"Were you trying to give up?" Caree said before she stomped on Sheree's stomach.

Sheree screamed again and rolled onto her left side. She was completely helpless. This girl enjoyed making her suffer and took her time dishing it out. She stomped on Sheree's side this time. Sheree let out an anguished grunt as something in her mid section made a crunching sound. Pain enveloped Sheree like a warm blanket and made it hard for her to breathe.

"Okay, ref she lost just stop the fucking fight!" Rayne yelled, her voice full of concern.

I never stood a chance, Sheree realized as Caree began kicking her repeatedly. She tried to crawl away and Caree stomped down on her left hand.

She felt the bones in her hand splinter like a car windshield when it's hit by a solid object. Her hand suddenly felt like a mit. She couldn't tell where her palm stopped and her fingers began. It was all just a hot ball of pain. Tears fell from her eyes as she tried again to crawl away. This time Caree's foot landed on her bicep. There was a strange sensation when her humerus snapped. The rest of the world around her seemed to fade away. She slipped into unconsciousness without any resistance. The sleep greeted her like an old friend offering her shelter from a vicious storm All the pain and fear left her. Caree picked her limp, lifeless body up and carried her to the edge of the ring. She held her above her head as the students cheered in approval.

"Noooooo!" Elliot yelled out, finally finding his voice. There was nothing he could do for Sheree, but watching her limp body get thrown to the ground was more than he could take.

At the sound of his voice Caree laid Sheree on the mat l, rather gently, and stepped off of it. Everyone in the audience went completely silent except Rayne. She ran as close to the mat as the army of guards that met her there would let her. She screamed and struggled against them as they restrained her.

Elliot stood statue still and stared at his unconscious girlfriend. He felt her presence around him as he moved and could swear she was whispering to him that she was alive. You better be, he thought as she was put on a stretcher and taken to the medical center.