39. Part A

Sheree was so aroused she felt like she was going to explode. Elliot had set the perfect scene. The waves crashing in front of them, the seagulls in the air above them. Even the smell of salt water in the air, it all was just how she imagined her first time would be. Elliot took his time and kissed her, starting at her mouth, then he kissed her chin. When his lips touched her neck she felt herself gasp. Each kiss was like a small explosion of sensual bliss. Instead of doing something in response, she just lay still and let him work. He kissed her on the neck before an invisible force pushed the two of them apart.

Sheree sat up suddenly and tried to go to Elliot, who was now several feet away from her. 

"Sheree wake up," Rayne's voice said from somewhere far away. Her voice seemed to come from everywhere all at once.

The moment Rayne called her name, Sheree was pulled farther away from Elliot and the beach scene. This time they were so far apart he looked like nothing more than a tiny speck on the horizon. Sheree looked around now and she was standing in an empty void. The only thing she could see in any direction was white light. She searched in every direction for Elliot and found only emptiness and despair until Rayne's voice rocked her again.

"Sheree, come on girl, wake up," Rayne said as Sheree opened her eyes slowly.

"Oh good, you're alive. I was starting to get worried," Rayne said and patted Sheree on the shoulder.

Sheree looked around and realized she was still in the student lounge.

"Why'd you wake me up, I was with Elliot!" Sheree said and banged her fist on the table. 

"Sorry for interrupting your sex dream, but I have some news," Rayne said with an eager smile on her face.

"It wasn't a dream, we can visit each other with our minds," Sheree said, still mad at her friend.

"Okay cool, let's talk about the fact that you didn't deny it being about sex," Rayne said and leaned closer.

"Back up, what's this news you just had to tell me?" Sheree said and gently shoved Rayne. 

"Oh, yeah, well you're still in the tournament. The news I wanted to tell you though is that I'm that bitch Caree's next opponent," Rayne said and rubbed her hands together greedily.

The sound of the girl's name sent a wave of ice throughout Sheree's body. This was the first time she had heard her name since that fight.

"Be careful with her, she has something dark in her," Sheree said, remembering how Caree seemed to enjoy hurting her.

"Does she? Well I'm gonna beat that, and everything else out of her. When I get done, she won't look anything like you anymore," Rayne said, her eyes had gone hard and her mouth was set in a scowl.

Sheree looked at her friend and knew she was thinking about what happened to her.

"Rayne, you don't have to try and avenge me. You know that right?" Sheree asked, feeling guilty for some reason.

Rayne flashed a small smile. 

"I hear you hun, and I want you to to hear me when I say I'm gonna break that bitch's neck for what she did to you," Rayne said and brushed her hand over Sheree's cheek.

For the rest of that night Sheree and Rayne discussed their strategies for their fights the next day. Sheree definitely had the easier task. She was fighting a courser, all she really needed to do was force them off the mat. Rayne on the other hand, had to deal with a telepath that enjoyed inflicting pain on others. No matter how tough she was, and how badly she wanted to win. She knew it was going to take a small miracle for her to win this fight. A part of her was afraid the girl would literally tear her in half. Another part of her was worried she would simply throw her off the mat before she could stop her. The two girls fell asleep in Sheree's room. When Rayne woke up the next morning, she was in a slight panic, having fallen asleep before formulating a solid game plan. 

She woke Sheree and together they raced through their morning routines. First Sheree got showered and dressed. Then they went to Rayne's room and she did the same. They met up with Albert in the cafeteria and discussed what they should do.

"Good luck today," Josh said, as he approached their table. 

He looked only at Sheree as he spoke, leaving no question who he was talking to.

"Thanks," Sheree said, offering him a weak smile as he walked away.

"Don't fall for that shit, girl. You know he's only being nice because you're vulnerable right now," Rayne warned, pointing at Josh's back with her plastic fork.

Sheree simply smiled. She didn't have time for any guy except Elliot. The boyfriend she hadn't spoken to since their last encounter. She felt her womanhood heat up as she thought about what had almost happened on that beach. She hadn't gotten to see him last night when she fell asleep. She wondered if she could force a meeting to happen between them. She reminded herself to talk to Professor Klein about that at some point.

"Are you okay?" Albert said and snapped his finger in front of her face.

Sheree blinked and refocused on the present.

"Yeah, I'm fine, why?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

"You just zoned out," Albert said and shrugged. He had half a sausage link hanging from his mouth.

Rayne took it from him and popped it in her mouth before he could stop her.

"What the hell, I was eating that!" Albert said with raised arms.

"I'm eating for two," Rayne said casually.

Albert immediately began choking on nothing. He coughed and clutched at the air in front of him.

"You're pregnant?" Sheree asked with wide eyes.

"What? Oh God no! Why would you ask me that? Rayne asked, as if she had just been insulted.

"You just said you're eating for two, didn't you?" Sheree asked, confusion smeared all over her face.

"Yeah, me and Albert. That's what you say when you steal someone's food," Rayne said, as if they were the crazy ones.

"No, that's what you say when you're pregnant, and only then," Sheree said and shook her head.

Albert had rested his head on the table and was repeating the words 'thank god' under his breath.

"Whatever, let's go kick some asses," Rayne said and stood up eagerly.

"Give us a few minutes, you just tried to kill your boyfriend," Sheree said.

Rayne sat back down and rubbed Albert's back as he collected himself. When they finally did get up and walk toward the fighting mat they were all laughing about it.