45. Shaken

"Too slow, asshole!" Sheree said to the monster on top of her.

She moved her head an inch to the right just in time to avoid losing her left ear, as the creature's bony jaw snapped shut. She had been overwhelmed by at least three of them, and they were sitting on her arms. Without the movement of her hands her only defense was her evasiveness. As long as she could move her head fast enough to avoid being bitten she had a chance, if that she couldn't then she was their next meal. She wasn't dumb enough to believe she was fast enough to dodge the attacks of something with the reflexes of a cat for too long, but she just couldn't resign herself to death. She had to fight as long as she could. She bucked her right shoulder, trying to get her arm free. It was useless, it felt like the creature was hugging her arm, could they be pinning her down on purpose? Before she could consider that thought Josh yelled something from above her and then she was free.