50. Heated

"I can't do this!" C2 said as she paced back and forth in the bathroom. She had slipped away from Elliot and the others, to meet Josh, by saying she needed to use the bathroom.

"Yes you can, if you don't everything we have worked for is going to fall apart," Josh said. He stood in front of the door to keep any unexpected guests from walking in on them.

C2 considered his words. She had been told how important the mission was. She even wanted to care, but she just didn't. She tried to dig down deep inside herself and come up with some allegiance to the mission, all she found was emptiness. Her mind was always completely blank until someone said something that Sheree should remember, then after a few seconds a memory of the event would play and show her what they were talking about. That was the worst part of this whole thing. She knew she wasn't the real Sheree, but was she a real person at all? They had called her Caree, but that name didn't ring any bells either.