53. Mixed Feelings

"What the fuck Rayne?" Albert said, when he finally noticed Rayne casually lounging on his bed.

His left hand shot up to his chest as his heart leapt up into his throat. For a split second he wasn't sure if it was from the shock of her being in his room, or if he was just that happy she was back in his room. He gripped the door, a part of him wanted to tell her to get out. The rest of him wanted her to stay though. He decided to go with that part.

"How did you even get in here?" He asked as he walked into the room and closed the door behind himself.

Rayne's succulent lips formed into a devious smile. Damn he missed tasting those lips. The memory made his mouth water.

"So, being trapped alone in my room for all those days gave me a chance to practice my new, weird ass power," she said and held up her right index finger.