55. Illumination

What the hell was that? Elliot thought as he stared at Sheree. She lay next to him curled up with her back facing him. He wanted to celebrate the small victory of her being in his bed, but the dream weighed on him. She had called out to him. She also said she missed him. What did that mean? How could she miss him yet be this close to him? A stream of sunlight bathed the skin just above her ankle in light. She was only wearing one of his t-shirts. He wanted to wake her up with a trail of kisses up her bare legs. She would be wide awake by the time he reached his destination. When he was done, they could talk about the dream. The more he thought about it, the better that plan sounded in his head. He leaned toward her ankle to start his surprise attack and a pounding on his door made him lurch backward. Sheree's eyes sprang open at the same time.

"Yo Elliot, open this door. She trippin out here," Albert said before hitting the door again.