Chapter 14: No Lies School

Last time, because there was no intermediate station on the train, Hoang Tuan couldn't get off and had to spend the night seeing ghosts.

Otherwise, he would have left the train long ago. Who would want to stay in such a terrifying place?

The content of the novel told him that there was an issue with "Tran Hung Dao High School".

Unless Hoang Tuan went crazy, he would obediently go in.

Hoang Tuan left directly from the entrance of "Tran Hung Dao High School" and walked along the road into the city. He planned to find a place where he could rest for a while and then come back after finishing the novel.

At least the mobile phone was fully charged, and there was a power bank. He could find a safe place to read the novel or play some games. Nothing in the school had anything to do with him.

For the content of this world, he could see those things after entering without taking any risks.

After returning to the real world, he could carefully read the new chapters of the novel to extract information directly...

Touching the backpack behind him, Hoang Tuan knew that he had guessed correctly.

If he brought something with him when he crossed this place, it could come to this world along with him.

"I wonder if I can call Le Hoa Phat to come to my house next time. While reading the novel, I can touch him, maybe I can bring him along..."

Thinking about it, Hoang Tuan immediately shook his head. "Forget it, if he really gets brought along, and if I can't protect him, it's over. He owes me money, and it's still unpaid."

The cities in the novel world were not much different from the real world.

Except for the slightly gloomy circumstances and the absence of anyone, there was basically no difference.

Hoang Tuan leisurely walked through an alley with a blood-red axe in his hand and came to a street intersection.

The city looked desolate, and in such a city, anyone would feel extremely suffocated.

There was a supermarket next to Hoang Tuan, out of curiosity, he went inside to take a look.

The supermarket door was open, but there were no sales staff or customers inside.

A range of colorful merchandise was placed on the shelves. Hoang Tuan randomly chose two items and looked at them.

"The expiration date hasn't passed. I wonder if they are edible."

He walked through the aisles to the checkout counter.

He pulled open the cabinet at the reception desk, but there was nothing inside, which made Hoang Tuan a bit disappointed.

"I thought I had money, sigh...".



On the other hand.

In the classroom, class 12C5, Tran Hung Dao High School.

More than a dozen people with fearful faces gathered here, looking around in fear, including both boys and girls.

Strange, scary, uncertain... This filled the classroom.

"What place is this?"

"I don't know... I just woke up here after spending the night at the internet cafe."

"This place looks so strange!"

"No... I want to go home..."

"Wait, did you see that over there? Why is there blood?"


"Don't scare anyone, it's just paint!"


In the classroom, everyone gathered around, the expression on each person's face was not stable, obviously suddenly appearing in this place, it was a bit frightening for them.

Tran Hung Dao High School was not like a train.

At least on the train, there was still a normal, harmonious, and vibrant scenery, which could give people a sense of security to some extent.

But here, it was different.

The empty school, the suffocating sky, the silent and dark corridors, the faded marks on the classroom walls, the sound of the cold wind blowing through the trees...

Creating a horror movie atmosphere within the school grounds!

Appearing in a place like this for the first time, being shocked and frightened was normal.

Nguyen Ha Trang was also one of the more than a dozen people there. At this moment, she looked around tremblingly. She was having dinner at home and watching the news, then suddenly ended up here.

Amidst the murmurs and confusion of everyone, she vaguely saw some words written on the classroom door.

"Hey, what's that?"

Nguyen Ha Trang's voice wasn't loud, in the midst of such confusion, no one paid attention to what she was saying.

Seeing that no one noticed her, she hesitated for a moment, then went to the blackboard in the classroom.

Next to the blackboard, there was still chalk dust, and there was a small sealed board. The board was filled with the usual school regulations, nothing out of the ordinary. The only difference was that this board had only one line of text, and all of it was written in red.

"Don't lie..."

Nguyen Ha Trang looked at the clear words on the board, which made her puzzled. "Is it telling students not to lie?"


At this moment, something fell to the ground and made a sound, as if it came from the platform.

Nguyen Ha Trang looked toward the sound.

Under the lectern.

A black and crooked plastic bag fell there, there seemed tobe something inside, but it was tightly wrapped and could only see a triangular shape.

The plastic bag emitted a foul smell, as if it had been here for a long time.

"Come and see, everyone! There's something here!"

Nguyen Ha Trang called out to the people in the classroom.

This time, someone paid attention to her. Hearing her words, everyone looked at each other, and then cautiously walked over to the side of the lectern.

"Open it and see?"

Someone suggested.

"Okay, you open it." The person next to them agreed.

"No, I won't open it. I'm a bit scared... It looks kind of weird."

The hesitant person looked a little nervous and suspicious of the black plastic bag.

"Are you a man or a mouse? It's just a bag, open it and see what's inside."

The person behind pushed him and pushed him straight forward.

The pushed person was Tran Binh An, he glanced at the bag in front of him and swallowed his saliva, regretting his curiosity for no reason.


Who the hell pushed me? !

While thinking about that, Tran Binh An gathered his courage and stepped forward, slowly opening the plastic bag under the eyes of everyone.


As soon as he opened it, Tran Binh An quickly pulled his hand back two steps.

"What the hell!"

He exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"

"There's a phlegm in there! I touched it!"

Tran Binh An held out his hand, showing the sticky substance on his finger.

"I'm impressed by you! Why do you scream like that when you touch a phlegm!?"

"Open the plastic bag first, then use your clothes to wipe your hand... oh no! Hey... don't wipe my clothes!"

Tran Binh An pulled out his hand that had been wiped clean.

He looked at the plastic bag on the ground, this time he didn't hesitate much, and directly opened it.

As soon as he opened it, he saw what was inside the bag.

Before the suspicion of everyone, Tran Binh An took out the contents and showed them to everyone.

"What is this?"

"An exam paper?"

"This is an answer sheet, but why does this answer sheet have a triangular shape..."

"I don't know, maybe it's for convenience in writing."

"Wait a minute, why is my name on the answer sheet?!"

"This is someone's joke..."

"Mine too,"

"Mine too!"


Someone noticed that their name was unexpectedly printed on the answer sheet taken out of the plastic bag.

According to the names on the answer sheets, Tran Binh An handed the answer sheets to everyone.

As each person received their answer sheet, they were surprised to see that everyone here seemed to have an answer sheet with their name printed on it.

After everyone received their answer sheets, Tran Binh An received another sheet in his hand.

Tran Binh An counted, there were nineteen people here, but there were twenty answer sheets. He curiously looked at the name printed on the remaining answer sheet in his hand.

"Hoang Tuan?"

"Who is Hoang Tuan? Raise your hand so I can see."

He called out in front of everyone.

But everyone looked around, and no one raised their hand.

Just as Tran Binh An was thinking about why there was an extra answer sheet, suddenly, the voice over the loudspeaker in the classroom echoed...

A familiar female voice resounded in everyone's ears.

"Dear students, there are still 20 minutes before the listening test begins. Please return to the exam room and prepare for the test."

"During the test, you are not allowed to cheat, whisper, deceive, leave blank, or engage in any other misconduct. If caught, your test results will be invalidated."

"After the test, please leave the exam room one by one. After leaving the exam room, please return home on time, do not gather to cause trouble, harass others, kill each other, eat the flesh of your classmates, commit suicide, etc."

"Finally, I wish you all the best in the exam!"