Chapter 17: Exam proctor

The moment the monkey prepares to drag the girl away

With an axe in his hand, Hoang Tuan swung down!


With all his might, he struck the axe directly into the body of the "monkey."

This was the first time Hoang Tuan used this axe to attack a ghost.

Based on his speculation, because this blood-stained axe belonged to Nguyen Nam and was cursed, it might have an effect on other demons.

As expected.

After the axe struck the body of the "monkey."

It let out an incredibly unpleasant sound, like scratching nails on a blackboard, piercing to the ears.


That was it.

The "monkey" seemed to have reacted to Hoang Tuan's actions, immediately raising its head and facing Hoang Tuan with two dark, eyeless sockets.

It seemed like it would tear Hoang Tuan apart in the next moment!

Hoang Tuan wasn't foolish enough to stand still after chopping the "monkey."

He knew that if the axe didn't have much effect, he would become the "target" after revealing his attack.

So, Hoang Tuan made a decisive decision.

After chopping, run!

He pulled out the axe, grabbed his large bag, turned around, and ran out of the classroom, thinking about the rules to follow in the exam.

[During the exam, no cheating, whispering, fraud, leaving blanks, and other misconduct are allowed. If caught, the exam results will be invalidated.]

Now Hoang Tuan understood that if the exam was invalidated, he might be caught by that thing...

That's why after the girl finished speaking, it would quickly rush in and seize the girl.

In a sense.

Its existence was somewhat equivalent to an "exam proctor."


The axe's effect wasn't as great as imagined.

The "Monkey's" actions were interrupted for only a few seconds.

Not because the axe caused it harm.

That tool basically "didn't work" on it.

Hoang Tuan's prediction was wrong; the curses in the two different stories couldn't affect each other.

The reason the "monkey" temporarily stopped was simply because Hoang Tuan's reaction was beyond its rules...

Within its rules, there were only two defined situations.

Either pretend to be oblivious or scream.

Someone directly attacking it with an obvious axe was clearly outside its rules.

It could be due to anger, or Hoang Tuan might have violated its rules.

After being struck by Hoang Tuan's axe, its target had clearly changed...

Then, under everyone's terrified gaze, the "monkey" put the girl down and chased after Hoang Tuan.

Its speed was much faster than Hoang Tuan's.

Inside the classroom.

After witnessing the strange events and seeing Hoang Tuan run out, everyone stood there dumbfounded.

Now, they finally believed in the strangeness of this world and believed that those things would appear!!

"This, this place..."



They rushed out of the classroom like mad!

Of course, they wouldn't save Hoang Tuan.

Including that girl, their goal was only to run out of the school gate!

Escape from this bizarre school!

After witnessing the scene, everyone knew that there was no sense of safety even inside this classroom!

This was a normal reaction of humans.

A reaction to save themselves after witnessing a strange event.

People ran out of the classroom and down the stairs...

However, when they had just rushed out of the teaching building, they were surprised to see that there was no school gate or exit in front of them.

What they saw was a garden resembling a maze.

And not far from the garden, there was a small swimming pool...

Someone remembered a question from the exam.

"Question two: How many goldfish are there in the pond in the backyard of the teaching building?"

"A. 10 fish; B. 20 fish; C. 30 fish; D. 40 fish."



On the other side, after Hoang Tuan ran out of the classroom.

What set him apart from others was that he chose to escape upwards.

"Bach Bach Bach!"

His heavy and hurried footsteps echoed behind him, and the "monkey" closely followed Hoang Tuan's direction.

Accompanied by the sensation of something getting closer behind him.

Hoang Tuan finally reached a staircase, he looked up, and a bit further was the rooftop.

The reason he ran to this place was because he saw the changes in the novel's content after swinging the axe, running towards the staircase would undoubtedly be caught by the "monkey" jumping down from above, chasing and killing him directly.

Regarding the choice of the route.

Up or down, he made his decision without hesitation.

However, at this moment, in front of him.

It was the rooftop of the teaching building.

"The rooftop" in the exam.

"There are four ways to reach the rooftop in the exam, and the correct answer exists in one of those ways..."

Hoang Tuan stood on the staircase and looked at the rooftop approaching him. He quickly recalled the mentioned relationships.

[Hoang Tuan, ah~.]

[When he reaches the rooftop.]

[He thinks he is right and chooses to retreat.]

[Ha ha, what's on the rooftop will definitely discover him.]

[Grind him to a pulp!]

Hoang Tuan glanced at his chosen answer in the novel and immediately eliminated option B—retreating.

What was behind him was getting closer and closer to Hoang Tuan...

It was about to appear behind him.

"This question, if it appears, has some significance. Anyhow, in horror novels, after eliminating option B, option A can also be disregarded."

"Two answers remain, one is closing your eyes, the other is squatting..."

"Closing your eyes, if it's a mistake, I'll die without even knowing."

"If I squat, the speed will be much slower, but not too far. Moreover, if I choose wrong or if that thing catches up, I can still modify the content and survive."


It was almost reaching him from behind.

Hoang Tuan took only half a second to choose his own answer, swiftly squatting down and moving towards the entrance of the rooftop as fast as possible.

At this moment, it was only about ten meters away from him.



Hoang Tuan squatted down and approached the rooftop as quickly as possible.

However, the "monkey" was much faster than him.

But after just two seconds, it reached the position of the stairs.

At this point, Hoang Tuan was still three meters away from the rooftop!

It lunged upward!

Facing Hoang Tuan squatting on the ground, it didn't hesitate at all; it just wanted to kill Hoang Tuan.

Hoang Tuan looked at the "monkey" rapidly approaching within his sight, and he even called up the content board, ready to modify the content at this moment.

Its hand was about to touch Hoang Tuan...

And Hoang Tuan's text would be modified right here...


At this moment.

On the previously quiet ground, many eerie black arms suddenly appeared, gripping the body of the "monkey" tightly, restraining it in place.

Then, no matter how loudly the "monkey" screamed, those black arms seemed to have an unshakable strength, tightly holding onto it.

As if.

To drag it down into the ground!

This was the consequence of the "monkey" lunging straight in...

It was discovered by the rules of the "rooftop."

When two rules collided with each other, clearly, the rules of the rooftop were even more terrifying.

But in an instant.

The "monkey" was dragged down into the ground like ink seeping into the earth.

Calmness returned here.

As if nothing had happened...