Chapter 38: Mice

At night.

In an apartment.

Chau Chi Bao and Quynh Nhu stood by the window of the adjacent room, gazing intently at an apartment not far from this one.

The curtains in the room were not closed, and a young man on a wheelchair was typing on the computer desk, illuminated warmly by the light, seemingly writing something.

Behind the two of them stood a man in a black coat, waiting silently for their interrogation.

"Nguyen Thoai, are you sure that person is Hoang Tuan?" Chau Chi Bao looked into the room where the young man was sitting and asked the man in the black padded coat.

"Yes, it's him," Nguyen Thoai nodded vigorously in response to Chau Chi Bao's question to ensure that he was not mistaken.

That face.

He remembered it very clearly...

"Yeah, he looks ordinary," Chau Chi Bao rested his chin on his hand and leaned on the window, contemplating.

In his opinion.

The young man they found was not particularly different from the one Nguyen Thoai described. Apart from entering that world twice, Chau Chi Bao really couldn't find anything special about him compared to others.

A young man with disabled legs making a living by writing novels.

Not too strange.

At most, it's the injustice of fate that seems to have made his life more difficult than others.

"Moc Giang really likes him," Quynh Nhu added.

She trusted Moc Giang's judgment and wanted to remind Chau Chi Bao that if he couldn't see any difference, it might be because he hadn't discovered it yet.

Although it didn't look like there was anything special about the young man, Moc Giang must have seen something unique in him. Even when she and Chau Chi Bao first joined the organization, Moc Giang's reaction was to let others lead them, which was a bit unusual considering Moc Giang's lazy personality.

Chau Chi Bao didn't answer, he intended to ask Moc Giang himself when he got back and then continue to observe the situation in the room opposite...

The room fell into silence.

Not long after, they heard the sound of the door lock being turned, and the three of them looked towards the door to see Moc Giang returning.

"Alright, let's go back," Moc Giang said to the three of them in the room.

Her face still had the same lazy expression and tone as usual.

"Did he agree?" Chau Chi Bao wondered how the conversation at Hoang Tuan's house went.

Although some people subconsciously believed that Moc Giang's success was inevitable, it would be more reassuring to hear and confirm it with their own ears.

But what they didn't expect was...

Moc Giang shook her head...

"He refused."

"Why?'' Chau Chi Bao felt somewhat strange and asked, "Does he feel that our subsidy is not enough? Or he doesn't believe us?"

Moc Giang listened to Chau Chi Bao's words.

Her eyes glanced at the window, looking at Hoang Tuan typing in the room, and answered in a weak voice, "Not really."

"He said he is not a man and he's afraid of death," Moc Giang mixed and replaced what Hoang Tuan had said with a simple sentence, not expecting the trip to have such a result.

"Afraid of death?"

"Why would he be afraid of death? When I was at Tran Hung Dao High School, I clearly saw him beheading monsters without hesitation!" Nguyen Thoai interjected, seemingly puzzled about why the other party would answer like that.

Moc Giang tilted her head and glanced at Nguyen Thoai, who felt an inexplicable pressure emanating from Moc Giang's demeanor, making all the explanations he wanted to say when excited stuck in his throat.

He didn't know why when this woman looked at him, he felt a strange suppression.

"Simple, either you lied, or he lied," Moc Giang slightly twitched her mouth and supplemented.

"How can I lie to you? It's not beneficial for me at all," Nguyen Thoai swallowed saliva, explaining that his words were believable.

"Yeah, I trust that you didn't lie," Moc Giang nodded, then showed no intention of continuing the conversation, and began to tidy up the stuff on the sofa, preparing to leave this place.

Before leaving, she stood by the door and said something to Chau Chi Bao.

"Keep observing him, if there's any situation related to me..."

After saying this, Moc Giang closed the door and her footsteps went from close to far, until she disappeared.

The quiet room returned.

Chau Chi Bao and Quynh Nhu looked at each other.

Without saying anything, they continued to gaze at the building opposite.

Because Moc Giang thought that Hoang Tuan was not simple, and she wanted to continue observing.

They had nothing to refute.

After all, in the organization's spokesperson aspect, the other party was much higher than them...


Two hours later.

Hoang Tuan had completed his work for the day and pulled the curtains to prepare for rest.

In fact, he had noticed that someone was monitoring him.

Although there was only a small crack in the curtain on the opposite floor, due to the parasite bug in his body, his five senses had unintentionally become much sharper.

Before Moc Giang came, he already noticed that there were two pairs of "stealing eyes" in the opposite direction, recording his every move.

With Moc Giang's appearance, he was also certain that those two pairs of eyes belonged to people from that organization. Otherwise, Hoang Tuan couldn't imagine who would have the leisure to watch him write novels and do such boring things.

Because it didn't affect him much, he ignored it.

If they wanted to watch, then let them watch. Hoang Tuan just continued to write his novel without paying any attention.

If he was lucky.

Perhaps he could find out what the other side was trying to do...

Of course, writing a novel was just writing a novel.

He needed to sleep, Hoang Tuan didn't have the habit of being watched while he slept.

So, he pulled the curtains.

Lying on the bed, turning off the light, he went to sleep...

After a series of familiar movements, Hoang Tuan lay down under the warm blanket.

A dark and quiet room could always make people sleepy, Hoang Tuan felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and he was about to fall asleep immediately.

Recently, he didn't look healthy.

He needed a good rest to make up for the lost mental state.

To avoid looking like a man with kidney failure...

The drowsiness grew heavier.

Hoang Tuan yawned and wrapped himself in the blanket, as it was the coldest days of winter, and he didn't want the cold wind to blow in and make him catch a cold.


Just as Hoang Tuan was about to sleep, there was a faint sound from the kitchen.

It sounded like a mouse crawling in the pot.


Hoang Tuan opened his eyes and narrowed them.

He instinctively looked towards the position of the bedroom door, feeling a bit strange.

His house had never had mice before, when did he accidentally bring them in?

When he got home today?


While Hoang Tuan was thinking about which brand of rat poison to buy tomorrow, there was another movement from the kitchen.

This time, the sound was unrelated to mice.

It sounded like someone in the kitchen taking a knife out of the cabinet?