Chapter 50: Lost memory

"On October 1, 2004, the weather was good."

"Today is the first day of the National Day holiday and the second day I stepped into this world."

"When I woke up and looked at this strange room, I realized that this world is different from the world I entered before."

"I forgot how I fell asleep last night."

"The last image was when I saw my mother guarding my bedroom door..."

"There is no process in between."

"It seems like a blank memory."

"It's like being drunk and losing some memories, and I can't figure out why."

"Just as I opened my eyes, the sunlight outside the window was a bit dazzling."

"My mother's voice in the kitchen was clear; she must be preparing breakfast for us."

"My bedroom is close to the kitchen."

"I can smell the tempting aroma from the breakfast..."

"Everything seems calm."

Click! Click...

With a pen in hand, Hoang Tuan marked the end of the diary entry with a few dots, then sighed softly and looked at the room where the sunlight had seeped in.

The furniture was the same as last night.

Nothing had changed...

Even the love letter that Hoang Tuan found on the table was still there.

After hearing the sound from the cabinet last night, when he walked along the wall to the door and saw his mother's figure appear from the gap of the door, he lost all memory.

What happened in between.

He couldn't remember anything...

After waking up, the time had come to this morning.

But he lay on the comfortable bed, his clothes had been changed into pajamas, and it seemed that... last night, he obediently went to sleep after determining the rule as his mother instructed.

"Hoang Tuan, go out and have breakfast. The sun is shining on your face, and you're still sleeping!"

Outside the room.

The voice of his mother echoed...

The significant difference from last night was that, although the tone of his mother sounded slightly reprimanding, it sounded very gentle.

Just like a normal family waking their children up for breakfast.

Hoang Tuan frowned.

He put the diary down under the pillow and stretched, then opened the door and walked back to the living room.

The moment he woke up and realized that his memory was lost, he opened his novel's content panel to see what had happened last night.

To see if he had been cursed or triggered some rule to cause this event.

But unfortunately.

There was no result he wanted to see in the novel's control panel...

The story in the content was roughly the same as what he had experienced.

From finding his mother at the door, the novel stopped describing what happened next.

Below the parting line was what had happened today.

Taking advantage of the convenience of the "God's Perspective."

Hoang Tuan knew that the situation of Dinh Phuc and Tran Thien Nga was similar to his own.

After Dinh Phuc discovered that the paper person in his bag had disappeared, he went to sleep inexplicably...

Tran Thien Nga passed out when she saw a man with an empty chest lying on the windowpane.

Inside the content.

Both seemed to have lost important memories of last night.

"Even the content of the novel does not record the missing events from last night..."

During his contemplation.

Hoang Tuan had already walked to the living room.

At this moment in the living room...

Dinh Phuc sat on the sofa and watched TV without saying a word.

Tran Thien Nga and her sister were chatting about the rumors or interesting things at school.

Their mother was cooking noodles in the kitchen, and the noodles kept rolling in boiling water, and the fried eggs in the pan sizzled nearby.

This scene seemed genuinely peaceful and warm like a family...

Although from Dinh Phuc's eyes, Hoang Tuan knew that he had no intention of watching TV, and from the way Tran Thien Nga was talking to her sister, Hoang Tuan also knew that she was thinking about other things while chatting.

But at least on the surface.

They all acted quite normally...

At this moment, their mother was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, holding up an empty salt container, looking inside carefully, then opened the cabinet, trying to see if there was any salt left.

"Hey, did we run out of salt?"

They could hear their mother's voice from the living room.

In an instant.

The mother in the apron walked out of the kitchen, wearing slippers, and brought oil-resistant gloves to the table...

"Hoang Tuan, go to the store downstairs and buy some salt."

Hoang Tuan, who had just sat on the sofa, glanced at the bright sunlight outside the window after hearing this.

Like a morning in an old residential area.

The elderly were gathering to chat, some were exercising by waving their hands on the lower level to maintain their health, and young people with a bang on their foreheads were running around the green trees, and occasionally someone was transporting goods for business by driving...

Hoang Tuan thought, and then looked at Dinh Phuc and Tran Thien Nga sitting opposite him.

"Mom, when I came back from school yesterday, Aunt Mai at the grocery store downstairs said their family went on a National Day vacation, so maybe they won't open."

Need to go out now.

Just enough time for Hoang Tuan to talk to those two.

"Vacation? How come I didn't know..."

After hearing what Hoang Tuan said, their mother felt a little puzzled, she glanced at the old-style clock hanging on the wall, and angrily said to Hoang Tuan, "Then go to the vegetable market to buy. Don't tell me you don't eat salt anymore?"

After hearing those words.

Hoang Tuan scratched his head and said, "It's been a long time since I went to buy groceries, and I forgot where the vegetable market is..."

When saying this, Hoang Tuan also thought about his character setting.

From the content of the novel's control panel, Hoang Tuan knew that his "previous self," although in high school, was the type who didn't care about anything at home.

He didn't participate in grocery shopping, housework, or finding a mattress or blanket, etc.

Basically, he didn't participate.

So after confirming that this sentence was not wrong, he said it out.

The mother's complexion turned ugly, she stretched out her fingers and pointed at Hoang Tuan and said, "Really... this brat doesn't do anything, not even know where the vegetable market is."

Judging from her mother's reaction, it was clear that Hoang Tuan's problem was not serious, and her reaction was appropriate for what a normal mother would do.

After reprimanding Hoang Tuan, the mother stopped and lightly patted Dinh Phuc sitting next to her and said.

"Dinh Phuc, you go with him..."

"Don't tell me you don't know anymore."

Hoang Tuan turned to look at Dinh Phuc.

He believed that the other party was clever enough to understand what he wanted, which was to talk privately.

Dinh Phuc looked into Hoang Tuan's eyes...

He had the same idea as Hoang Tuan and intended to discuss last night's situation first, so he stood up according to the script and went to the door to change his shoes.

"Just don't know, go buy some salt... this guy."

Even though he had experienced memory loss last night and the paper person on him had disappeared.

But Dinh Phuc didn't show too much panic.

When he woke up this morning, he felt bad right away.

But after knowing that he was still alive, he suppressed the emotions inside.

Dinh Phuc had entered the world of the script several times.

He knew that if he wanted to increase the chances of survival in this world, he had to try his best to cooperate with the plot when the plot opened.

This was just the beginning of the National Day holiday...

There was still a long way to go before the end of the story