Chapter 54: Big problem

When Khang saw his mother in the hallway, he immediately looked terrified, as if he had seen a ghost. He quickly let go of Hoang Tuan's hand and turned back to lock the door without saying a word!

In the quiet hallway...

Only Hoang Tuan and his mother remained, staring at each other.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

Hoang Tuan asked his mother with suspicion, but he was still focused on the contents of his novel.

He felt that he couldn't defeat his mother with a blunt axe.

If something unexpected happened.

It would be safer to modify the content.

"Why are you so slow to return the thing? It's been so long, why haven't you come back yet."

His mother looked at Hoang Tuan coldly.

He could vaguely see a kitchen knife in her apron.

Although it didn't protrude.

But seeing a bulging object in the apron, he felt that he shouldn't make any mistakes in his judgment at this moment.

"Just now, I..."

Hoang Tuan was about to explain.

But his mother interrupted him directly.

"Go downstairs and eat noodles."

As soon as she opened her mouth, she was interrupted, and Hoang Tuan didn't say anything more.

At this time, he wanted to speak up.

It could lead to some consequences he didn't want to see.

So, Hoang Tuan nodded, then left Khang's room, and slowly walked towards the stairs.

And his eyes were fixed on his mother...

Hoang Tuan didn't dare to underestimate this.

He focused his attention on the highest point and carefully passed his mother.


He seemed to sense anger in her.

"Is she angry?"

Hoang Tuan, who didn't understand why his mother was angry, felt a little confused in his thoughts.

This time, he followed the instructions.

There was no action that violated his mother's orders...

In terms of rules.

In fact, he shouldn't have done anything to make his mother angry.


Hoang Tuan passed his mother's position and safely went to the stairs.

It's good.

His mother's anger wasn't because of him…

"What are you doing?"

Going down the stairs, Hoang Tuan noticed that when she was about to reach the turning point, his mother was still standing there, not moving an inch.

Hoang Tuan stopped for a moment, gathered his courage, and raised his head to inquire, "Mom, don't you want to go downstairs?"

To his surprise, his mother actually replied to him...

"Go down and have your noodles first, Mom has something to discuss with Uncle Khang."

What amazed him was that his mother had indeed answered him...


Hoang Tuan didn't ask any further questions.

He obediently went back home downstairs.

The last image he saw was...

He saw his mother take a kitchen knife from her apron pocket, walked straight to Uncle Khang's room, and knocked on the door...


Back at home.

The other three had finished eating the noodles on the table.

Only Hoang Tuan's portion was left on the stove, with just a bit of warmth in the bowl of noodles.

Sure enough, the noodles had been left for too long, and they had become lumpy.

It was quite difficult to pick up the noodles with chopsticks.

Hoang Tuan was sitting at the table, stirring the noodles, while looking at Tran Thien Nga and Dinh Phuc...

"Mom's noodles are really delicious, I can keep eating without getting full."

Tran Thien Nga propped her chin with both hands, gazing at Hoang Tuan's bowl and engaging in a conversation with the others.

"Definitely. Mom and you guys are fantastic at cooking. Your dad has been eating it for so many years and never gets tired of it. It's like having a restaurant meal every time."

Dinh Phuc played the role of "dad" seriously and echoed beside her.

Both of them had experienced many stories, and they were almost accustomed to the daily expressions of the characters.

It felt very natural.

After spending a night with Tran Thien Nga, Hoang Lan should have let go of her resentment towards her. Hearing Tran Thien Nga praise Mom's cooking, she couldn't help but intervene, "Actually, after that, when I want to eat, I can come here and have a meal. Mom enjoys cooking the most..."


Hoang Tuan said, using chopsticks to pick up the noodles in his bowl, stirring them twice, putting them in his mouth, savoring the fragrance of onion noodles in his mouth, and then swallowing them, "Everyone has finished eating, no need to want more, saying these things means you want me to share my food."

"Hmph, who wants it?"

Hoang Lan tilted her head, dismissively glancing at Hoang Tuan, and continued with her homework.

After finishing the noodles.

Hoang Tuan took the bowl to the kitchen and calculated the time it took for his mother to come down. It must have been around ten minutes, and she still hadn't come down.

Just imagine the scene of my mother knocking on Uncle Li's door with a kitchen knife...

He couldn't be sure if his mother killed and dismembered the dead body upstairs, then used the body parts to cook for them.

Breakfast issue solved.

Hoang Tuan also exchanged glances with Dinh Phuc and Tran Thien Nga, signaling them to go to his room to discuss today's situation.

The trick to fooling Hoang Lan was the same as yesterday.

Facing Hoang Lan's extremely puzzled expression, the three of them entered the small room and closed the door tightly.

Inside the bedroom.

Tran Thien Nga and Dinh Phuc began to vomit, vomiting the noodles they had just eaten into the trash can...

"So, did you find anything when you went out today?"

After emptying the food in their stomachs, Tran Thien Nga raised her head and asked the two of them.

"Yes, a lot."

Hoang Tuan replied.

Then, he glanced at Dinh Phuc, and the latter said that Hoang Tuan could speak first, and if anything was missing, he would add it.

So, there was not too much nonsense. Hoang Tuan began to talk about what he had found today.

"First, about the person living upstairs."

As he spoke, Hoang Tuan pointed up at the ceiling, leaning against the window and continued, "Yesterday, everyone knew that someone upstairs had jumped off the building and committed suicide, and he died in such a tragic manner that he couldn't possibly come back to life."

"But today, after going out with Dinh Phuc, I noticed that the others, including the neighbors in this building, seemed to have forgotten about this incident."

"In general, if a big event like last night's suicide happened in the neighborhood, it would be right to hear a little talk about it today, but there is nothing at all. It seems like this matter is just a small incident, and no one cares about it."

"Of course, it's also possible that the people here are simple and honest, so they are not interested in this matter."

"But when I went upstairs to deliver the knives, I saw Uncle Khang dead but still standing in front of me, and his demeanor seemed a bit off..."


Hearing this, Tran Thien Nga raised an eyebrow, and she asked Hoang Tuan to elaborate on what he meant by "off."

In fact, the phenomenon of a dead person coming back to life was not uncommon in worlds like this.

Tran Thien Nga wasn't overly surprised by this, and she asked the question because it might be related to the story of this world.

After all, last night's suicide.

There was no warning beforehand, and it was too sudden...

Faced with Tran Thien Nga's question, Hoang Tuan patiently recounted the entire incident of him going upstairs, including his mother knocking on the door with a kitchen knife.

"Perhaps, he wanted to be quickly saved..."

Tran Thien Nga seriously pondered the strange reaction of Uncle Khang, she didn't understand why the first and second times he opened the door had such a big contrast.

"Could it be that he jumps off the building every night, and he has experienced that many times, so he wants someone to replace him and stop him from committing suicide?"

Dinh Phuc used the most basic plot in a horror story to explain, but this answer clearly didn't satisfy them.

If that were the case, then Uncle Khang's reaction when he first opened the door wouldn't be like that...

"And then the second time."

Hoang Tuan didn't let them continue to sink into their thoughts but continued to bring up the issue he had suspected, "Our memories, it seems like there's a big problem..."