Chapter 66: Reverse time

What Hoang Tuan has been doing for the past two days.

Everything has been done according to what is described in the novel.

Including going to buy comics...

He planned to follow the plot and see how it would turn out when time returned to the starting point.

"I wonder if time flowing backward is a cyclical law, if it happens like this every day, how long will I have to stay here?"

Hoang Tuan took out a pack of sunflower seeds from his backpack, held them in his hand, and bit the shell. He placed the sunflower seed shells neatly on the table.

"Let's look at recent events first..."

He focused his attention back on the novel's control panel.

Concentrating on the description of Dương Khánh Vĩ.

After the reverse time appeared.

The content in his novel would occasionally be erased, and then the previous stories would be renewed.

Until the part where he went to exchange comic books.

All the details behind that point had disappeared...

It felt like watching a reversed play.

"This Dương Khánh Vĩ, he must be from the Mộc Giang organization, otherwise, there wouldn't be such strange descriptions."

"Compared to Châu Chí Báo, Dương Khánh Vĩ's trump card is probably not simple, he must have more experience."

"Otherwise, he wouldn't be so confident..."

Hoang Tuan had already guessed Dương Khánh Vĩ's appearance.

After learning about the Mộc Giang organization, he wondered if there were other people entering this world.

Unfortunately, Dương Khánh Vĩ appeared at the wrong time...

He came in just when Hoang Tuan was making plans, making it difficult for him to talk to him, so he could only take him away.

Of course, a big reason was Dương Khánh Vĩ's confidence, his direct and violent actions made people uncertain, rushing to ask whether someone was a ghost without saying a word.

Talking properly with him was strange!

Dương Khánh Vĩ wasn't worried about breaking the rules because he needed to interact with the story elements and integrate into the main plot.

But Hoang Tuan and the others were real characters in the plot.

If he violated the rules, it would be disadvantageous to them and have no benefit...

"Forget it, let's put aside Dương Khánh Vĩ's matters."

"Think about last night's issue."

Hoang Tuan shifted his gaze and finally stopped at Trần Thiên Nga's name.

It seems that from these days onwards.

Dĩnh Phúc had almost completed the process of assimilation.

Although Hoang Tuan could occasionally see Dĩnh Phúc's confusion when he woke up.

But most of the time, Hoang Tuan knew.

Dĩnh Phúc was probably no longer Dĩnh Phúc.

"He" no longer acted.

Instead, he was assimilated...

"He" seemed to have fully merged into the role of the father and integrated into the world.

During the process of unintentional assimilation, even if he was conscious, it was difficult to solve.

This was not Dĩnh Phúc's fault.

On the contrary.

Another person, like them, was Trần Thiên Nga, who was a little different...

At first, she acted normally.

As planned, she played her own role.

But as time went by.

Hoang Tuan realized that he seemed to still not understand her, and every time something happened, he and Dĩnh Phúc would discuss it and then follow through with her.

What Trần Thiên Nga did.

All were just discussing the final result with them...


Her role wasn't very prominent, and in many cases, it was just a side role, making a supporting role at home.

But last night at that moment.

Trần Thiên Nga's hybrid figure appeared in that eerie image...

The last moment that Hoang Tuan could remember was...

That was Hoang Lan advancing towards Trần Thiên Nga with a strange bracelet, her eyes frighteningly peculiar.

Hoang Tuan always felt that Trần Thiên Nga might be much more awake than Dĩnh Phúc.

What Trần Thiên Nga did was just like him.

Acting in a way that integrated without being proactive, to break the rules of the world.

"Every night, strange things will happen, and after encountering those strange things, you will lose your memory in an inexplicable way until the next day."

"Truly troublesome..."

"Feels like being lost in the fog..."

"Except for Mom, Hoàng Lan doesn't usually go anywhere."

Hoang Tuan leaned back in his chair and looked up at the ceiling, murmuring softly.

Contrary to the two previous worlds.

This time they...

Apart from being assimilated, there was hardly any danger to their lives...


On the other hand.

In the dimly lit room, the husky figure was sleeping quietly on the sofa, with occasional toxic white smoke drifting over its head.

On the glass tea table.

There was a plastic cup of instant noodles inside, but the soup was still steaming hot.

In the reflection on the black screen of the turned-off TV, Dương Khánh Vĩ sat next to the tea table, took a drag of his cigarette, and flicked the cigarette butt into the instant noodle cup.

His opposite.

Was a man wearing a cap, tied up with a rope...

Waiting for the last half of the cigarette.

Dương Khánh Vĩ put out the still-burning cigarette butt in the instant noodle cup, making a small sizzling sound.

"Well, did you hear what I just said?"

He leisurely said to the man with the cap.

And with a seemingly conscious hand, he picked up the apple placed on the other side of the tea table and took a bite like a dessert after a meal.

"To be honest, if you let me go now and leave here, I will treat it as if nothing happened. Even if I happen to meet you again later, I will treat it as if we have never met, so you can rest assured."

Hearing Lê Gia Bảo's reply.

Dương Khánh Vĩ couldn't help but sigh, feeling tired.

Ten minutes ago...

To prevent Lê Gia Bảo from slashing him with a sharp kitchen knife due to slipping, Dương Khánh Vĩ could only snatch the knife from him with his bare hands.

To make him sit still and listen to him.

Dương Khánh Vĩ went to the storage room to find a rope to tie Lê Gia Bảo back, and then briefly recounted the entire story to him.

At this stage, he was a bit hungry.

By the way, he prepared a bowl of instant noodles with shrimp and beef to eat a little.

But what was bothering him now was...

No matter what he said or explained, Lê Gia Bảo's mind was truly problematic, and he didn't want to believe him at all...

On the contrary, he felt that he was a member of the cult and came to brainwash him.

This almost made him collapse from exhaustion.

"You idiot! That's why I've been stuck here all this time!"

Lê Gia Bảo's expression didn't change at all.

He just sat quietly in his position.

Silently looking at the lunatic who broke into his house and tied him up to tell him a story to vent his anger...


The story happened at Dương Khánh Vĩ's side.

It was not described in Hoang Tuan's novel.

He didn't know how that man was doing now.

Hoang Tuan just continued to cooperate with the plot mentioned in his novel, trying to play the most natural role as possible...

The story happened tonight.

It didn't differ much from before, and it still followed the same structure.

When Hoang Tuan went out to take out the trash, he met a scary kid holding a human head.

Then he lost his memory.

Sank into a deep sleep...