Who Says Women Can't Like One Another Like That?

Abrial frowned at the strange question, watching Shin Minyeo's needle thread in and out of the shadowy cloth.

"What do you mean? What would I want it to look like?"


"How is that useful conversation? Can we talk about something more important? Like, when will I be healed enough to leave? I'm getting bored here already."

Shin Minyeo's eyes glittered amusedly.

"I'll only answer your question if you answer mine first, silly."

Abrial huffed in disbelief. Shin Minyeo had to be older than her by only a few years, but she acted like a playful auntie, teasing and forcing her to answer silly, imaginary questions!

"Also, bring me a bowl of that soup on the table and come sit down next to me, too."