Asshole With Red Hair?!

Abrial, who had started grinning, pouted again.

"But that sounds fun! You can't stop me from learning things like that, either, you know! I'll just do them when you're not around."

Finley's expression remained grim. "I cannot always stop you, but I will try my best."

The two of them brought their dishes to the washing station, then left the tent to head towards Bi Gho's class. After they'd been walking for a little, Abrial suddenly stopped in her tracks, eyes wide. She snatched Finley's wrist, pulling her to an abrupt halt as well.

"What is that?" Abrial muttered, her eyes laser-focused on something moving behind the next row of tents over. Anyone who knew her well could see that her obsidian eyes were brimming with excitement. The sound of rapidly clashing blades was floating over the tents from that direction.